1962 Corvette revisited - correction and coating

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by GoFast908Z, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    I had done this car a few times, but after a few corrections I recommended we coat the car this time. I knew it would continue to get swirled up as its wiped down constantly as it goes to most Corvette and classic car shows in the Bay Area. The owner is also extremely active in welcoming troops home from deployment and gives them rides in the car, equipped with flags and all (the posts attached to the back serve is purpose). The owner liked the idea of not diminishing any more of the clear (was restored in the 80's with base/clear) than necessary.

    Getting started... the usual swirls from constant wipedowns at carshows.










    Hand painted script taped off with a safe border







    Pre-existing damage from poor alignment of the trunk lid


    Laying down on the job..........and getting it done




    Can't post a car like this and not post engine pics!



    All finished! The posts on the back are for 2 large American flags when the car participates in parades welcoming troops home.
























    Happy owner on his way home




    Thanks for looking!
  2. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Awesome job!

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