Recently completed with Richie of "Richie's Custom Detailing" while he was out visiting, the car was very clean except for some light marring on most of the car. The concentrated marring and scratches were on the the roof, but with low to mid 70 micron levels this was going to be a delicate area to correct(Later I would put Opti-coat 2.0 on this area to give the client the best bet with maintenance in the thin paint area). Correcting with newly aquired Rupes 21mm machine. Marring & scratches on the roof. After careful correction & fine polishing. A few sun pics of this beautiful Porsche. Clarity and protection on the roof. Satin finish dressing in the Intercooler cove.
Great work! Sent from my iPhone using TapTalk 2000 Black DRW F-350 Gauges, DP tuner, ported housing, T-500:evil:, JW VB, 5in turbo back, hutch/harpoon mod, 6.0 IC, tru cool tranny cooler, etc