Nice work Bob, and always nice seeing a rotary being used!
The Megs MF pads don't even stick very well to the Megs backing plate. I switched to the LC backing plate and it sticks just fine, go figure.
Nice job
Give MF pads a try for more cut than an orange pad, D300, m105, and m101 all work great with MF pads also.
Been in the same situation before and I actually found that ONR works pretty well on interior glass, wash it at normal strength, keep the towel...
Nice work Bob
Duragloss 105 and 501, and more recently the new Megs AIO M66 has impressed me.
I agree, explain the process, and if they just don't want it or can't afford it, you don't do it. I would never want someone to do something to...
Cool, I'll have to figure out what to do a review on
Let's not start THIS topic again...
Hot water is better for stain removal, I've heard some people to boil them even..
You will be fine using 105 with the cutting pad then following it with the finishing pad, if you don't like the results you can always pickup some...
Don't overlook Megs D301, I've done some really good one steps with it and was impressed with the results, and it's cheap, so it might fit your...
Personally, I prefer ONR for a swirl free wash, maybe not 100%, but closer than any mitt/soap combo I've ever used. I also believe that drying is...
Let's not forget that often times there are things that happen and are said behind the scenes, so don't just go by what is written here. We all...
PM me too
If they want you to then go for it, but give them the option because most people don't care about it since you can readily see it, and if it means...
Megs all natural shine interior dressing and cleaner is really good, not just for OTC, but in general.
You can use an exacto knife and trim the foam as needed, we have dozens of them at my office,
Wash the car together or have one of you wash the car and as it is dried, the polisher guy can begin work while the wash guy finishes washing....
Separate names with a comma.