holy cow....sorry i am soo late on this.....my prayers go out to him and his family......
i have wanted to order that anyway so i think i am gonna order it and try it out.....My top is fairly shiny so maybe it will look ok......
Nica i would say treat it like paint but it has a texture to it...and after working on tons of boats in my lifetime i have found that...
Hey Guys, i Just bought a new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited on Wednesday....its got the Jeep hard top thats Textured black.....i was looking out my...
I think i am going FJ.....the whole premium fuel thing isnt an issue according to the guys over at FJ cruiser forums....they say its just a little...
not really a 4runner fan......if i am gonna spend the coin for a 4runner i would get the Trailblazer SS that i really want but its a Gas hog and...
i dont realy want a pickup....been there done that....although i loved my 04 Silverado at this point a pickup is just not for me....
I dont need killer towing capacity since my boat is only about 2500lbs and i only tow 1/4mile to and from the boat ramp....my main objective with...
ok thats one for the FJ....so far my family is 50/50 split between the two......
Ok so my lease is up on my Chevy trailblazer and its time for a new ride..... I am a bit confused as to what i am gonna get..... i have it...
ONR is a great product that i too was skeptical of in the beginning.....then i though....how cool to me able to wash a car in my garage or in real...
yeppp...typical body shop BS.....the shop i do some work for locally has tons of trouble finding a quality detailer....every time they hire a new...
+1 for what Denzil said...... the gilmour gun is great and makes foam decent but its much more fun with the Cannon.....i use the gilmour on jobs...
Good luck and get well soon...... My Grandmother just had a full knee replacement surgery about a month ago....although the recovery has been a...
The D40 is a Great little camera....i bought one when the first came out a few years ago when a DSLR was like voodoo to most people.... i love...
if the paint is still fresh and you sand lightly with 2000 or finer you may be able to get it polished with SIP and a heavy cut pad followed by...
thats a good price.....an OEM CPU is more than that with No cooler fan...
106ff is not going to knock down the peel at all....in order to knock down peel you need to wet sand....start with 2000 grit and see what you get...
as for the myth that you cant polish or protect a fresh paint surface there are alot of variables to it.... -what kind of paint was used to...
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