What is your favorite team, discussions here ;) USC :) 56-3 True Freshman QB looking good + 6 Deep at RB RB U Fight On!
Grado SR60 and TDS Meter :) [IMG] Getting Senn 414 pads w/ quater mod, anyone know a good AMP for it ($150 range) hehe [IMG] [IMG] 400 PPM FTL =(
Parents got 2009 Audi A3, her first wash and protect Wash: CG Liquid Suds Pro w/ Foam Cannon Meguiars APC Clay: Riccardo Yellow CG SQD for Lube...
Bike won't start after using NOS fuel additive : Suzuki GSX-R Motorcycle Forums: Gixxer.com ROFL EPIC FAIL :kilt:
Just had earthquake epi center is near CG in Inglewood 5.0 w/ 3.1 After shock Woooo that was kinda scary...
Have: Sonus Green Clay x1 Aquapel x2 1/2 Tube of Autosol Also have (1 left) empty 8oz bottles to fill with any of the following: CG VRP CG...
30-50% off everything so might as well take advantage of it :thumb: [IMG] Except for the 3m uk pads from matrix_808
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Collection is growing nicely ill post picture of our cart tomorrow WHEELS :) Makita in the...
The Block Review! :devil: [IMG] The CG Clay Block (Gray) is amazing :headbang: It got things out that the CG Purple clay didn't. It did marr...
This is our (rtrt2889 and me) first ever full detail. :dupe::tiptoe::giggle::campfire::thud::doh: The paint felt like 80 grit sand paper :yikes:...
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