New D700!!!!!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Scott's Mobile Detailing, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    I enjoy the clarity of Nikons, unfortunately my D70 has a software problem that has to be fixed at the depot. Great shots and nice camera.
  2. ZeroGravity

    ZeroGravity Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    congrats on the D700 and the 24-70 f2.8...

    I love my 24-70 as well... but the size of it dwarf my D50 :p

    The D700 looks very tempting to me as I've noticed that they have broke the 3k mark just the last few days in Canada... and having finally sold one of my cars recently earned me some brownie points with the wife :D

    But think I will wait it out a little longer. Nov 20th... Nikon event... wonder what they will announce. Doubt I will be able to afford whatever they announce tomorrow, but the new porduct should help lower the price of current models.... I hope.
  3. sk8ter4life

    sk8ter4life Virgin Detailer

    I picked up a D90 =D
    Nikkor 50mm f1/8 lens
    Nikkor 18-200mm
  4. ZeroGravity

    ZeroGravity Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Ah... the D90... are getting pretty good reviews. I have played with one for a few minutes at a bowling alley... I liked how the shutter / mirror flip sound. And the LCD is amazing.

    It seems now the rumors are saying the Nikon event is Dec. 1st... and for a short time yesterday, Nikon USA have posted / purposely leaked photos of the next upcoming camera... the D3X...
  5. ZeroGravity

    ZeroGravity Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    So I caved and picked up a D90... D700 is still out of my league as far as my skills and money goes...

    So it seems the D90's size is that same as my D50... guessing they have been shrinking the size from D70->D80->D90

    this pic taken with my old 2.0 MP Minolta DiMAGE X compact point and shoot camera:


    and here's the D90 with the 24-70 f2.8... pics taken with the D50 with 50 f1.8



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