Well…… I really did it this time! This is better than my quick conect confusion and failure to lock both legs on the platform. I was going to a friend’s house…….mmmmm…well….it was dark… it had rained for several days, the driveway had a steep incline and was covered in leaves. I now know that wet leaves are slicker than owl’s crap (as Sparkie would say). I started up the driveway and my tires started spinning. At the top of the driveway there were already a few cars. So…... I figured it would be safer to just back down the driveway and stay at the bottom or let my friend drive it up. Mmmmm… that would have been the best plan… if I would have kept my freakin car on the driveway. LOL!!! I wish I would have taken a pic of the hill I could have went down…. YIKES!!! The next morning, after they guys got my car out… they told me I was damn lucky I did not flip it!!! SHHIIITTT!!!! Anyway…….I had to take some pics. I knew you guys would love it! Here ya go! ENJOY!!!! Look at the driveway and you can see the incline… and maybe understand why it was soooo… slick! OMG!!!!! :lol2: No damage was done! It’s still dirty as hell but I can’t see any scratches… I am sure the Brinkman will tell me another story. :thud:
OH WOW hope everything will turn out OK, but MAN OH MAN, the car looks extremely clean in the first two pics!!!
THANKS! But what else would you expect from me. I may have been gone from the forum but I didn't loose my mind.:shead: Sparkie, AL, Jimmie amd most of the DB members raised me from a pup.... tought me how to detail. I take very good care of my car. Now... if someone could just teach me how to drive in reverse.. I will be in good shape! :lol2: The guy in the pic called me about 1/2 hour later to ask me if I had already washed it :lol2: When he realized what I had done..... he knew it was killing me to leave it in a ditch all night. :doh:
I screw up plently!!! I just have to laugh about it! I know you guys would love it! Just another female driver :lol2:
First of all, I'm glad you're O.K. 2ndly, you NEED to stop providing us with these real life humourous situations..I've got enough emails to keep the laugh section going strong..honestly, we don't need your help there!! This reminds me of when I was teaching my sister in law Cristina to drive years ago..I kept calling here "crash-tina"...so I now christen you "crash-anya".:giggle::giggle::giggle: Most of all, I'm glad you're OK.!!!
Well the screen name is elusive to gender but the driving is a dead giveaway :applause2: I see your tire fetish is still going strong....its the first thing I noticed :headbang:
Wow that sucks but I'm glad everything turned out okay in the end. And yes the car looks clean in the beginning pictures.
i would not attempt that driveway in my car. lowered, manual, and balding tires. not a good combo lol
Thanks! I do like a clean car :giggle: Yep it's fine... however for some reason my XM radio is not working.... says.... No reciever :shead: Time to go to the dealership and see whats up. XMRadio says everythign is fine on their end. :shead: Yep... I am good! I have to admit as soon as I went to cut the wheel and felt the front end drop... I new I was screwed!!! But it's funny as heck now! I have to laugh at stuff like this or I would just get ticked! Real life stories are best.... GOLDEN! Yep... tires are always clean! :mounty: Thanks, I do what I can! It's fine... I am sure the brinkman will show some scratches... but nothing major! :applause2: You are 100% correct! :thud:My friend had to hold open the car door so I could get out :giggle: CGVRP!!!!!:applause2: :shead:Nope... I will not try that driveway again in wet leaves or snow!:thud: I was able to wash the car today and it is fine!
Glad to see your OK and the car is OK...Grasshopper I know you paniced when backing up..and was giving gas instead of just rolling back....and was looking over your left shoulder instead of the right one...thats why you ended in the ditch on the right side...you were focused on the left side...seen it done many time..LOL....I have done it also.... anyways your unhurt and all is good.....remember..just roll and use the brake to slow your decent.... AL