Rec' Sealants....

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by bgray, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. bgray

    bgray Birth of a Detailer

    Hey guys.

    Im looking for some opinions and experiences with some high quality sealants on the market that you have used. I personally use nuba's on my own vehicles, But id like to get some sealants for use of maximun protection on the cars that i detail on a yearly basis...and for winter protection

    Shine and protection on a eqaul comparison

  2. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Jetseal and Klasse SG are the two I have used, Klasse is a little more finicky than Jetseal
  3. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Zaino, Klasse and Jetseal are the ones I have tried. Wanting to try Werkstatt next.

    Durability of Zaino,Klasse are way better than Jetseal. Props go to JS for ease of removal though.
  4. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Z is great as far as a sealant goes, however I don't like the looks of it.

    Duragloss makes great Sealants as well.... a favorite is DG Total Performance Polish topped w/Collinite 845IW
  5. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    As Michael said, DG105 FTW it is excellent, but any DG sealant is great. I have JS as well but prefer DG105
  6. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    Zaino is nice, however, if you leave it too long without a wash you will end up with water spots and other contaminants stuck to the paint. I know the Z-heads will say that it will happen with any product, but under similar circumstances I have not seen such spots/etching occur. It's lasts a long time, but actual *protection* is lacking, IMO.

    I am currently testing Hi-Temps Terminator sealant (like $5.00 for 16 oz at TOL right now), and while it doesn't really bead all that well and is finiky to use, I was impressed how much crap came off at the coin-op after 3 or 4 weeks sans a "real" wash.

    Blackfire is a nice looker and pretty much the pinnacle of ease of use and slickness and is gaining some attention at Autopia right now, but I wouldn't expect it to go past 3 or 4 months.

    Opti-Seal is nice and easy, but I would apply every 2 months to keep it fresh, it's characteristics really fall off IME after 3 months, but it still seems to be on the paint.

    The above products are a few of the sealants that I like and would recommend.

    Honestly, I would use a paint cleaner/sealant type product (think DG 501, KAIO, ZAIO, Poli-Seal, etc.) then top with Collinite 476s. Can be a real pain to use if you put too much on, but it lasts very well. I would also top with a spray wax or QD every few washes to keep things fresh and slick.
  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    As much as I like Zaino Z2 Pro, I have recently started using Duragloss 105. I find Duragloss 105 just a tad easier to use as it doens't require any stupid mixing of products and it works great without a bonding agent. Application and removal is a breeze.

    Duragloss 105 for the win!

    I also like using Jetseal, but durability isn't up to par with the above products.
  8. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    i have used 1Z Glanz on 2 cars. Very easy to apply and remove... Dont know how long it will last doh, but it looks great
  9. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    I've prepped my car as well as my wife's with Poli-Seal + Danase Paint Sealant + Collinite 915 + Collinite 845 + Collinite 476s.
    While driving to work this morning, there were some snow flurries, which turned into light rain & you should see the beeds on my car. OMG, they look simply awsome.
  10. richy

    richy Guest

    I used to use FMJ topped with Collinite. Now I use DG 601/105 combo. The 601 allows the 105 to cure faster as well as increases its longevity. Very easy products to use/remove...not to mention very reasonably priced. As long as they don't jack up their prices, I will use their stuff for a long time. they are working on a new sealant too that is unfriggin believable, but won't be to market for maybe a year.
  11. sweetlou

    sweetlou Two Bucket System Washer

    i use blackfire. Stupid easy to use, apply too thick and its just as easy to remove. It leaves the slickest finish ive yet to see. 2 coats on my car and still going strong around 3 months and thats not even the poly-charged version. Really an underused product imo.
  12. Strokin04

    Strokin04 Birth of a Detailer

    DuraGloss 501 topped with DuraGloss Track Claw or Collinite 915, depends on my mood.
  13. akimel

    akimel Birth of a Detailer

    Over at AutoGeek, Wolfgang sealant is winning the poll for winter protection sealants, followed by Collinite.

    I recently applied two coats of Collinite 845 to my two cars. I hope this will get both cars through the winter. 845 is so easy to apply and remove. But 476 supposedly provides the most durabiity. Collinite claims it will last 9-11 months: Collinite FAQs.

  14. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    2 layers of Z 5pro with Z8 as a maintenance will get you through 6months of winter..Z2 pro is too sterile looking for me when used on darker colored cars...SG is nice but a little hard to use ...i would go with DG 601 along with 105 as richy mention..great durability ,cheap , extremely easy to apply and looks nice..
  15. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    I usually change my clients an extra $100 for the effort required when mixing ZFX with Zaino Z2/5pro. :giggle:

    It takes less then 2 mins to mix it.
  16. bgray

    bgray Birth of a Detailer

    Im lookign between duragloss and jetseal.....It seems that jetseal perhaps doesnt last quiet as long, but does it provide a better shine then duragloss??
  17. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Klasse is kind of a pain in the ass, but people have mastered it. I haven't though. Supposedly your supposed to use a damp microfiber in QD to help with removal.
  18. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    1Z Glanz, i appiled on teh whole car first, then removed it.... It was very dry and easy to remove...
  19. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Jetseal is amost three times as expensive as Duragloss 105... It does NOT look better. I say about equal.
  20. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    I have tried close to maybe 30+ sealants ..yo list a few..Zaino..Klasse twins...Wolfgang..Ultima...Hi Temp Terminator..4* Upp polycharged..PB's EX...3M ...Megs 20 ..21...Jeffs....5 Star..Fireglaze...Jetseal..F seal..M seal and the list goes on....

    DG has proven to me to last..easy on and off...looks good....cost effective

    my choices of the best sealants I have used would be

    1..DG 105 and 501


    3...Klasse twins....

    4...Collinite me its a hybrid..a polymer wax mix to achieve its durability....

    I base this opinion on winter protection programs I use here in New England that last all winter....


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