World's Best Wax?

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by black_ice_pc, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. black_ice_pc

    black_ice_pc Virgin Detailer

    Has anybody tried World's Best Wax(the pink one)? I'm interested in buying a pot, but I'd like to hear about other's experience before I put down the money. Has anybody tried this product?
  2. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Hey, Just in case you're interested. If you enter the forum and go to last step products. You will find tons and tons of information on waxes and other LSP's When you're bored sometime it makes for very good reading.I just wanted you to make you aware of that.. I wish I could help you more...
  3. Hum-Benz

    Hum-Benz Wax on..Wax off

  4. dogma

    dogma Guest

    I have the Concours ( red/pink) wax as well as their surface cleanse and Surface refresher. WBW is every bit as good as the expensive Zymols , Souvran ,Lusso and alike.
    Their Sufrace refresher ( QD ) is amazing. It's definately worth buying if your into carnuba waxes. Call and talk to Frank he's great.

    If you have any more questions PM me.
  5. black_ice_pc

    black_ice_pc Virgin Detailer

    Thanks for the info!
  6. black_ice_pc

    black_ice_pc Virgin Detailer

  7. Arek

    Arek Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  8. dogma

    dogma Guest

    isn't all carnuba the same when you thing about it ? And the killer is carnuba is
    really not expensive at all and we all pay a ton of money hopping there is a difference.
  9. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    i have heard that WBW is relabeled victoria
  10. Arek

    Arek Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  11. Arek

    Arek Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  12. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    same goes for someone wanting to see a cheaper product win. it's all psych!
  13. black_ice_pc

    black_ice_pc Virgin Detailer

    Hmm well if that's the case, I'll just buy VW red. Thanks for the info guys!
  14. black_ice_pc

    black_ice_pc Virgin Detailer

    I'd already been reading about getting come Collinite 915 too, so I think I'll grab some of that along with the VW. Also I forgot to ask, which VW wax is used to make the WBW connoiseur (pink)? Anybody know?
  15. eShine

    eShine Guest

    It is not pink, I have seen WBW at a few shows over the years and it is red.
  16. Arek

    Arek Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  17. Dave KG

    Dave KG Jedi Nuba

    There's a lot true in the statement IMHO. The test to which you refer was conducted by me, a blind test on seven identically prepared, identical black Corsas... and the conclusions were that if you put the time and effort into the machine polishing preparation, the choice of wax makes little difference, bordering on being immaterial... Not to mention the same raw ingredient is used across the board, the industry being shrouded by smoke and mirrors and for good reason - a lot of the claims made are not backed up with scientific fact (take Ezyme for example - we have a claim about enzymes, but where's the scientific back up??), and at the end of the day all you get with a more expensive wax is additional bragging rights and less to spend on useful detailing products.

    Though, one can also view the wax as an enjoyment, and this is where the different products really come into their own and for me why I like things like Dodo Juice and Rubbishboys - they've taken an honest and fun apporach and made their products a joy to use, while also in the case of Dodo revealling some home truths about the wax industry.

    Not quite relevant to the quoted test, which was carried out blind so nobody knew what wax they were voting for, and thus whether or not they wanted the cheap wax to win, they couldn't affect the results through not knowing which was which...

    That there was nothing other than a statistical variance in the results here simply highlighted what many have known for some time - wax does not add a tenable difference to the looks of a well prepped machine finish.
  18. HPIA4v2

    HPIA4v2 Birth of a Detailer

    Dave, great comparison test back then. agreed on most of the assesment.
    Unfortunately, it's probably un-practical to do blind test on wax.

    here is why. IMHO, in order to say product A is better than B. the panel of testers has to be able to identify the products on different test environment again and again. Else it just guessing.

    What need to be done is to pick the best two waxes and tell the panel which one is which. then pick 10 pairs of the same cars. Apply the product A and B on same pair of cars behind close doors (then repeat onto the next pair of cars and so on). If the panel can identify which car has which wax 100% of the time then I surrender that wax defitinely the best one else I consider wax A and B is identical.

    That's what I did in college to determine which speaker wires are the best and at the end tells my roomates how and why I was able to pick the best wires over and over during blind test. Best here is to my ear mind you.
  19. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    true but the only way i can really tell is when a whole car is done.. then i get to see all the angels.. that's why i liked that test in Britain they had 10 or more of the same vehicle all prepped the same.. that makes a huge diff. panel by panel is very difficult to me. i like doing my trunk top panel the most.. i can really see the differences then. and see beading and such on the trunk. then take it off reapply cleaner fluid and test another wax.. it works great for me. just take a pic of the beads for memories sake and go at it again.. or split the trunk panel.. i don't know why but when people do panel tests on the side of the car it just doesn't do justice.. that's where the wax and such lasts the isn't getting beaten by rain and such like the hood is.. so for longevity i feel the hood should be the only place tested as we all know the sides last 540's hood is barely beading but my sides are still beading and sheeting like crazy. just to many variables.. the hood get's more weathered than the trunk.. it's all to crazy.. and for the judging of looks it's hard as many cars panel A is diff than panel B in terms how light hits it.. it really is tough to get an accurate test.
  20. Showroom Shine

    Showroom Shine Birth of a Detailer

    I have not heard of The Worlds Best Wax. I will say that the Souveran Paste is a Great Wax.

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