I recently brought it not knowing that it fills. Should have read forums first before making a purchase. Can I use it on traditional clearcoat for polishing and jeweling the paint? White pad for the polish and blue for the jeweling. I brought the nano polish for my car but will be detailing my mom's car( honda). Is P0 106 FA suitable for the honda as a final and jeweling polishing? It worked great for my car with the ceramic clearcoat. I have the pc, flex, and the makita rotary. Last question, will jeweling the paint with the blue pad guarantee that the halos won't return in a couple of month. Plan on using the makita to practice my rotary skills. Don't want to spend more money on the final polish II if I don't have to.
Anytime you apply a polish to a car, its going to leave something behind, now how much is intentional or just the nature of the product, I can't say. Yes, 106 works great on regular clearcoat
Never tried the 106fa, but I have the FPII and I work on Honda paint all the time. I'd recommend trying what you've got first with an IPA wipedown (to reduce "filler effect") and then if you don't like it give 3M Ultrafina a shot. It's far more versatile than FPII in my opinion.
I was under the impression that they did make FA anymore and change it to FF...:shrug: Yes, You can use on traditional clearcoat For polishing and jeweling...:thumb: Yes, Suitable for Mom's honda. Go for it...:thumb: Yes, Halos should never return as long as you get them out and don't put them in...:thumb: Yes, After PO 106FA do a 50/50 IPA wipe down. Clean the paint surface for your LSP...:thumb: Don't want to spend money on the final polish II if i don't have to...Right after finishing with the 106FA. You have no protection on your or your mothers car. You need to get a LSP glaze - wax - sealant something for protection O-kay...:thumb: Let me know...:thumb:
^^^ P0 106 FA is suppose to be the new version of PO106 FF. It suppose to cut quicker and with less dusting. Dunno if that's true since I never used PO 106 FF to compare. As for my protection, I'm using using the Danase wet glaze and sealant plus the duragloss aquawax as my topper . This combo makes my car look as great as the Zaino I was using.
Hey, slicknick. Glad to see you are prepared. Good luck with the cars. take your time and have fun. I'm old so I have to...:thumb: