Now you see you don't!!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well this little toy sure packs a punch :nod: :nod:

    Fun, little toy but I still say it's not worth the price tag :thumbdown:

    What am I talking about? This:


    Excuse the mess guys the garage is still under construction :shrug:







    Well this vehicle lives up to it's reputation, a bout power, acceleration..:bla2: :bla2: :bla2:
    But as far as looks go I give it a :thumbdown:

    I mean the interior is abit disappointing, still much better then the Lexus IS-F but still not worth $100k. I mean heck for $100k you can get your self a used Aston Martin (no particular model comes to mind), I still feel that the Audi R8 is a superior vehicle as far as looks go compared to this GT-R...but that's just me :shrug:

    I will say this though, this vehicle accelerates like a bat out of hell :yikes:, it has a nice engine sound but there are many other vehicles out there that can do the same if not better then the GT-R. This car is nothing but sheer power and that's about it :shrug:

    Well, I'll be detailing this bad boy shortly and I'll make some videos as well...hopefully I'll have it all done up by later on today. Oh and dealership did not touch this vehicle :nod: stickers were removed by me and straight home it came. The interior looks okay but you'd be surprised how much detailing a brand new vehicle requires :doh: :doh: and me with out any lights in my garage :rant: oh well I'll have to make due with what I have...a couple 1000W lights will have to do :shrug:
  2. k33psp00lin

    k33psp00lin Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I've seen a couple roaming around vegas, Very nice cars. Like you said on the expensive side but hey, to get a registered R32 or 34 would cost about half. Despite that 100k is the going price because of demand, wasn't MSRP in the 7X,XXX?
  3. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    The clear is very soft on these.

    Also watch out for "steps" in the clear where the edges of the transport plastic would be.

    Like this:


    A few times with 3k is sufficent to knock it down.


  4. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    congratulations on your GTR nica. what a peice of art you have there.
  5. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    That is one sexy car! :)
  6. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    WOW nice car indeed. Can't wait for the detail write up and more videos :D
  7. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    What kind of car is a GTR. I have been hearing alot about this car lately. Good luck to you Nica What ever kind of car this is. You would look good behind the wheel.:shrug:
  8. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru


    MASKDMARVL Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    What? Is this a joke it must be right? Whatever im sure Nica will treat it like the unborn child.:poke:
  10. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    :p just as long as he doesn't use launch control! I use to think this car was just stunning but after talking to a few owners I can't we this car being a hit one all the hype clears. This is a small rant by you should never cut the warrenty on a feature that is in the manual. 15 launches with the traction and did control off and the tranny is toast. This car also looks way bigger in person. I am curious to see what the future has in store for the gt-r
  11. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    I dont understand how you could spend that kind of cash for something your not totally crazy for :shrug:
  12. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Nica, no offense, but if I'm spending $100K on a sports car, it's either M6 or R8...Nissan sure it nice (power), but it just doesn't have that exotic look...:itsok:
  13. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Don't think carlos bought it.... Sounds like a clients car???
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well see originally I wanted the vehicle for my self but when it was time to take ownership of the vehicle and I was told of the price of the vehicle I got really annoyed and a tad upset...said a few choice of words to the salesman and stormed out...after I cooled down I went down to the dealership to get my money back but turns out that a friend of mine really wanted the vehicle, he wanted the vehicle so bad that I told him that if he gives me $5k + what ever the vehicle is worth I would get it other wise I was just going to take my deposit and forget all about this GT-R.

    So as the tittle of this thread you see it now you don't. Well it's because that's exactly whats going to happen to this vehicle, I'll probably have it in my garage till Monday or so and then it's going to my friends..he lives in Toronto, at least I got to drive it abit.

    I agree with you guys this vehicle just doesn't do it for me, not only that but the price on this thing is ridiculous. I mean lets face it this car is trying to be a "super car" it may have the performance of a super car but it sure is far from it appearance wise.

    I think its a great attempt for Nissan to try to compete but in my opinion the vehicle lacks quite a bit. This is just me and my opinion but the exterior needs some as to what I would change um..:shead: I'm not too sure but I know the interior needs alot of work!

    I mean this vehicle is paddle shift right, well get this the shifters are not attached to the steering wheel, meaning that if your in the track the shifters are at a fixed location so picture this your taking a few tight turns or what have you and you need to shift down well if your turning the steering wheel now not only do you have to worry about keeping the car in control but now you need to find the paddle shifter because it's not fixed with the steering wheel :crazy: but then again I suppose that once you get the hang of the vehicle this may not be an me that's a design flaw..but again that's just me.

    Oh and I did see that in just about every edge the vehicle required wet sanding :confused: that's due to the tape, not sure what exactly it was but it wasn't glue residue. At first I thought it was but turns out it was more then glue residue :confused:
  15. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    for the price get a zr1 or for 30 g's less a zo6. just my opinion though
  16. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    I'd take that car anytime. The sound of that engine is just sexy.
  17. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Nica, you are gonna detail it for your friend, right??? Let me guess, LSP will be Crystal Rock...
  18. kenny1775

    kenny1775 Jedi Nuba

    It sucks when you see a brand new car with so many marks and defects on it, eh?

    I'd say about 95% of cars show up like that to the dealership.. that protective tape helps out with the swirls, but it leaves very noticeable marks at the edges & it's a pain to take off.

    A bad (or untrained) detailer can really hack things up after that when prepping the car for delivery. It's all so unfortunate. :itsok:
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Um...I'm not a Vett fan at all, they don't do it for me...but that's just me :shrug:

    Yes, I would agree with you doc the sound of the engine is actually quite good :thumb:

    You know what I spent about an hour going through all my waxes and out of all of them I decided on the Rock and the results are stunning :gidiup:

    :nod: it's very sad, specially brand new vehicle :crasy:
  20. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    i always hated this car.. just power and handling.. the Japanese have admitted there culture has some issues on design for auto's.. i don't know why they sure have some crazy architecture but there cars are pure crap compared to the German equivalent. when i lived in Hawaii all the Japanese drove bmw's, mercs and Cadillacs. look at a new m3 or an s5. only prob with audi is they break like crazy.if your in that price range and you like curves.. i think you need a used 996 turbo or a 997 911 of some type. on my 335 i have 16k miles and not one issue besides a faulty bulb holder.. the car is MINT.. best car i have ever owned. and the rewards of a perfected sparkling graphite finish are stunning.

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