Winter Protection

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by RamSus, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    I'm planning to use the following combination for winter protection:

    Optimum Poli-Seal + Collinite 915 + Collinite 845 + Meguiar's NXT 2.0.

    What do the experts think of this combination. Also, just wanted to mention that I clay bared & waxed my car about 3 weeks ago with Meguiar's #26 & a week later topped it off with Meguiar's NXT 2.0. Now, before I apply the paint sealant + the combo mentioned above, what do you recommend I should do first? i.e. let the wax wear off, clay bar again, clean the wax, etc???

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I think that you are going a little overboard. The Megs NXT 2.0 IIRC is a sealant, not a wax so you have a base down already. A couple of coats of Colli 845 will probably see you through the winter as you're in Ontario and probably wont be washing it much.
  3. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Thanks for the advice....That's all news to me, Didn't know NXT 2.0 was sealant.
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Yeah, as 911 said, you'll be fine with a couple layers of 845. It's pretty good stuff.
  5. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    for winter paint protection these would be my i have tested them and they have proven to last all winter.....and still carry on till spring....

    DG 105....

    Zaino..Z2 & Z 5 both pro versions....

    Klasse twins.....

    The best way to protect for winter to me is to have a base of a sealant...a durable one as they actually bond to paint at a molecular level as both are polymer based and the crosslink together sort of...

    apply 2 coats of sealant to ensure you covered all paint surfaces....allow to cure between coats.....

    Now apply your wax over the sealant x 2..this is you sacrafical let the wax take the elements while your sealant protects the paint unscured...

    now for a winter wax..if you have salt and liquid de-icers used on the roads..I would use the Collinite paste waxes..915...855....476s..all these will endure a winter with out a problem....

    845 is a great wax..but i found it does not fair good with winter road grime...just does not have a hard shell like the pastes do...

    so sealant times 2 ..and wax times 2..your set for the worse mother nature can through at you...

    just make sure your sealant is a very durable one....

  6. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Al, thanks for the great advice. You guys are great & know your stuff.
  7. Nica

    Nica Banned

    As Al said it, you can't go wrong with Duragloss, it's a great sealant and it last a long time, I give it a :thumb: up.
  8. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    2 coats of NXT 2.0, topped off with 2 coats of Collinite 845 for max durability.
  9. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    I'm glad I live in sunny SoCal. The only thing that bugs me are the yellow dots of pollen left from the bees :)
  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

  11. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    i read somewhere about some review with megs nxt that it has cleaning agents.. just thought i'd share.. don't quote me on this coz i might be wrong.
  12. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Let's see what the experts say. Can anybody who's familiar with this product confirm or alobrtae on this
  13. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    I have already ordered Poli-seal from eShine & I should be receive it today.
    How does Duragloss compare with Poli-seal & Danase Paint Sealants?
    Also, if you had to rate the 3 sealants in terms of durability, shine, eas of use, etc, how would you rate them?
  14. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Well it really is a subjective matter. Personally I have all three but have only had the chance to use Optimum's Poli-Seal and Optiseal. However, I always hear great things about Duragloss' #105 but not so much about Danase Paint Sealant.
  15. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    If you had to use both Poli-Seal and Opti-Seal, you would apply Poli-Seal first, then top it with Opti-Seal, correct?
  16. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I always go overboard to prepare for the winter..

    I have already started my layring.. So far I have 3 coats of Z2 Pro, I am going to put on 2 layers of rejex and then 2 layers of collinite 476s.... That should last all winter:graduation:
  17. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Yep, exactly. :thumb:
  18. kenny1775

    kenny1775 Jedi Nuba

    Ditto... And my crazy a$$ moved up to Ontario from SoCal :crasy:

    Man I miss the weather down there :shakehead:
  19. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    how about giving Einszett Glanz a go.

    I have been told by many many customers that they see 3-6 months protection.
  20. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Thanks for the recommendation. Trying new stuff never hurts as long as it has already been tried by somebody else.....Heheheeeeeeeee

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