I've one bottle unopened, waiting to be used... i'll be applying using blue ccs pad. only thing I'm getting very confused about after searching and reading old threads, what is the general consensus about the order of application ? before or after wax/sealant ? or as a loner ? thanks
also read that when applying it disappears into the paint. should it be left a while before buffing off or immediately wipe off ? guess this method will also apply to the ez creme glaze too right ?
I have used it under and over sealants and wax....doing under a wax or sealant adds a little character to the look....deeper and warmer....using over gives it a more wet look..doing over is nice if you have a car show..or just want to flash your paint around..as it does really add some serious looks to the paint when uou go over a sealant or wax..I do it by hand as I was not sure if it had any cleaning ability... its a nice product.... Al
WMF is one of my favorite products. The wetness and shine is awesome. I apply with a black pad. I have used it both under and over . Al is right if you wabt to flash your paint this is the stuff. When I want durability I top with ZCS and or Z8.
cool, as I already have a fresh layer of wax on the car, I'll just put on the wmf on top. save me the step of having to use 501 to clean the paint and erase the wax layer. I'll play safe and use the blue pad on slow speed. for those who have tried wmf on its own as a lsp, what kind of durability do you get ? hopefully it is not that lousy , as in gone after just a rain session.
just a quick one to all out there, before I buy more pads for this purpose. with the WMF or EZ-creme glaze, what colour pads do you guys use and at what speed? green, grey or blue ? if im not wrong it has to be worked into the paint till it becomes clear right ? so im thinking what degree of hardness for the pad it needs.... thanks !
I use both product with the pc and speed 6 - white pad or 3M black. I like to use harder pads. Both will 'melt" into the paint quickly.