I bought some new wax today!

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by P1et, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    And that's exactly what I had in mind when I bought this!

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    holy..... please tell me you got a deal on this?
  3. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

  4. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    I used to use that exact wax before I found Zaino. As far as waxes go it is a descent liquid wax and seemed to be a touch better than every thing else I tried up until I found Zaino. As a matter of fact I think I still have about a 1/2 gallon of it sitting on my shelf in the basement.
  5. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is good to hear! I gave one of my friends a gallon for him to try out. I'm waiting until I get to do one of my friends cars to see how much I like this stuff. But so far, I've heard good stuff...
  6. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

  8. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    That's years of wax. Did you get a screaming deal on a case or something?

  9. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    dude, you got so much wax, you can take a bath in it...:applause2:
    Just kidding...Seriously, that's just too much...
  10. ianFRST

    ianFRST Virgin Detailer

    thats alot of product to purchase for saying you have never tried it :D you must have money to burn lol

    good luck with it :D
  11. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    You probably could have bought a tub of concours and some HD cleanse with that money. It would be the first step in getting addicted to high end waxes. Vintage would come soon after. Trust me.

  12. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    I used Meguiar's #26 about a month ago & it is an excellent wax. It tends to make the colour look darker (on my black car) & it gives you that wet look with a warm glow. The only thing I dislike about it is the fact that it stains the trim, as mentioned by others.
  13. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    P1et..you will not be disappointed...is one of Megs finest products...it has a real wet look and very durable for a liquid wax..I bought a half gallon a few years back and used it all ..it was my summer look wax as it glowed in the sun....

    I use the paste now..but same look....

    little hint.......treat the trim and plastics first before applying 26..that way if you do get some on and wipe it off..no staining.....

    its so easy to use ..you can apply weekly with no time involved..and have a wet looking paint....

    enjoy it...I may bug you for some come spring...lol....I really like the look of it and ease of applying it....

  14. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Thanks for the tip, Al

    I'll send some your way via email as an attachment......Heheheeeeeeeeee
  15. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Thanks for the tip Al, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I was going to do my wife's car with it this weekend but ended up reaching for the Collinite 476 again. Next time!

    And yes, I got a screaming deal on it:

    $20 for 7 gallons!!!
  16. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    top the Colly with the 26....it will amp up the look ...it will just add to a wet look...try a panel to just try it...

  17. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Very good idea, I'll try that later on this week!!!

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