Ferrari Dino GT

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by extreme, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. extreme

    extreme Virgin Detailer

    well i have been looking forward for this detail for some time now. once again another client of carlo @top gear cars.

    this was my most enjoyable detail so far, as you dont see many of these on the road let alone get to detail such a classic.

    so on wed`s night set the alarm clock for 5 (getting use to these early starts) :(. so 5 o`clock came and i was full of beans to get to the dino just 10mins outside Aberdeen. left the house at 6am and headed off to the to say when i turned off the A96 there was some good roads but when the merc was fully loaded its not to good LOL

    so got to the clients house at 8am. got to say when the client opened the door of the garage it was like wow what a classic.

    so the client took the dino out of its own carcoon and out of the garage for washing

    some before pics






    now to get all the gear out and start detailing

    so first off was a pre soak with citrus through the foam lance


    then a layer of foam on top of the citrus


    i didn`t leave to dwell for to long as on thursday it was very hot up in the aberdeen area

    so rinsed off then clean the wheels

    some meg`s APC was used as they as you can see they were not bad

    a swissvax brush to get in to those tight spots

    once the wheels were cleaned the dino was treated to the 2 buckets and a lambs wool wash mitt at the soap that was used was zaino Z7

    the dino was dryed off with a drying towel and a leaf blower

    now that the car was all dryed the dino was put back in the garage (you could fit 4 cars in there and still be able to detail them):doublesho

    so first off out with the brinkman






    next was to check the paint thickness


    so now that i know how much paint is on the dino and is safe to polish the paint work it was time to tape up the dino and take off the covers over the headlights


    so out with the makita and the 3m cutting pad and menzerna IP. the IP was spread over the area at notch 1 on the makita, once the area was covered i took the spped up to 900rpm till it broke down a wee bit more then on to 1200rpm to brake it down more, then 1500rpm and finaly 1800rpm with about 10 passes then back down to 900rpm

    did this twice to get the paint work looking good again

    so then it was time for the menzerna FF and the black finishing pad from 3m
    thiswas spread over the area at notch 1 on the makita, once the area was covered i took the spped up to 900rpm till it broke down a wee bit more then on to 1200rpm to brake it down more, then 1500rpm and finaly 1800rpm and then back down to 900rpm


    this is a 50/50 on the bootlid but not a good angle i think sorry

    so once i was happy with all the paint work it was time for the Zaino to do its magic once again

    first off was to give a light spay of Z6 and buff off then some Z2pro mixed with some ZFX, that was left to cure and tested with the finger when it was ready to buff. once buffed it was time to get the Z8 out and a light spray onto the pannel and buff off once again. once done stand back and go WOW:D







    all chrome work was treated to some swissvax metal polish

    the tyres were treated to zaino

    for the inside


    first off was to polish all chrome work with swissvax


    next was to clean all leather with zaino leather cleaner Z9


    then the leather was treated to Z10

    the windows were then polished with the Z-12 Clear-View Glass Polish

    the dino cabin was then hoovered out





    the plastic head light covers were polished with Z-14 Plastic Magic Cleaner & Polish

    the engine bay was not to dirty as the dino had just been serviced at top gear cars so it was a light spray of megs APC then some 303


    so by now the time was 8.30pm and it was time to roll the dino outside to enjoy and take more pics of a true classic













    once we put the dino back in its carcoon it was after 9pm so didn`t get home till after 11pm so a bit of a long day but it was such a joy to detail a lassic ferrari

    once again thanks for taking the time to look over this thread as it took me 3hrs to down load all the pics and do the write up lol
  2. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    very nice mike, nice and glossy in the end
  3. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    The paint looks amazing, super glossy and wet.:applause:
  4. Crossroaddetail

    Crossroaddetail Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Awesome work, i'm sure that made the long day more then worthit for you!!

    On another note, I like that other car he has in that garage :p
  5. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Great work there Mike. I love those classics.
  6. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Looks great I too noticed the other car in the garage
  7. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    sure looks beautiful!!!
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Sweet vehicle :druling: :druling: I just love the old classics, gorgeous, gorgeous vehicles :druling:

    I've been looking at these vehicles seeing if any of them come available but no luck just yet, I'd love to have one of these vehicles sitting in my garage :worship2: that or the Ferrari Testarossa :worship2: Although the Testarossa is more available then this vehicle :shrug:

    Thank you for sharing, vehicle looks great and what was the other vehicle that's in that garage, looks like a Lambo but what model, Diablo?
  9. uzj100

    uzj100 Jedi Nuba

    I love the 246s! Question: are the headlight covers factory? I've seen this with and with out the covers.

    Fantastic correction!
  10. extreme

    extreme Virgin Detailer

    the other car is a LAMBORGHINI GALLARDO SPYDER and is booked in for a full detail along with his new ferrari that has been on order for nearly 2yrs
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    You carry all your detailing equipment in that Merc? Seriously, where do you put it all? Nice Dino. Looks fantastic.
  12. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

  13. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oooh nice :druling: I'm not much of a Lambo fan, I'm more of a Ferrari but they are still gorgeous vehicles :worship2:

    Look forward to the detail extreme oh and the colour looks cool, can't wait to see the detail :cheerl:
  14. extreme

    extreme Virgin Detailer

    i`ll take a pic for you LOL

    i have thought about a van but where i stay in scotland and the traveling that i do, i dont like the idea of sitting in a van for 3hrs to a client then do a full detail that can take 12hrs then the 3hrs drive back. i do like my comfort on long trips.

    plus all my clients have water and power so no need to cary a tank and a geni

    but the merc is full LOL

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