15 days, it feels like it's been longer then that to me. Not sure what happend to Tonya but I hope she's doing well...if anyone hears from her I'd love to hear how she's doing, I miss her....there are other members I've noticed have not been posting integrity, you beat me to it.
After seeing this thread I realized how long it had been since she was on... She sends her best and has just been very busy lately
Oh good, I was starting to think somethin happend with her personal information and Photobucket. Last I talked to her she mentioned somethin about her personal information on Photobucket..er..something like that :shead: Deep Gloss if you speak with her again, tell her I said hi..mmm..perhaps I should just send her an e-mail my self :doh:
What about GBS (Gary Sword)?? Haven't seen him on any sites in a while either. Nevermind.......I just saw he posted in the past few days. It was a couple of weeks prior to that though.
bet you had a blast for 2 weeks.. i lived on Oahu for 5 years.. i miss it everyday.. esp when i am freezing my ass off in Chicago in January.. that was where i got the detailing bug in Hawaii.. but my college days are over and so is golfing b/c of my back so i left. if i didn't have the back problems i might have said screw taking over my dad's company.. but the $$$$$ got me .. oh well. at least i will be able to afford to live out there 6 months on 6 months off someday.. i wanna move back but honestly the lack of sporting events and concerts killed me and i can't beat Chicago for that.. so oh well i am stuck.
I got a email from Tonya and all is well with her..just been busy....Sparkie has been real busy at work so he has no time to come on now.... Chris I have not heard from in awhile...he hooked up with some girl and was going on a cruise last time I spoke to him.... Al
lol..Tonya is a good friend, I've known her for a wile and others here have known her for even longer then me. She's a great friend and is always willing to help out friends, great gal.