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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Shuskan3

    Shuskan3 Birth of a Detailer

    No luck today either, but when it does come, I will do an engine. What dilution ratio would you suggest for an engine.
  2. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Ditto on no luck.

  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I got my sample :thumb:

    Hope to put it to good use very soon ;)
  4. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    looking forward to see your review.
  5. eShine

    eShine Guest

    After a while they build up making a cluttered mess. I get to a point oif frustration I just usually give them away to family members who don't care about detailing or just toss them.
  6. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I have several members asking for more of this product. I am currently on my last gallon of the 5 gallon batch I had. I have contacted the manufacturer about our pricing on drums so I should have a better idea of availability soon, I am still waiting for more reviews though. Anyone want to take a stab on naming a degreaser???...
  7. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    I have not tried it..but sounds like a very good a good name would be Grime

  8. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Me and Erin are brainstorming what we want to do with this product, sell it as a wheel cleaner prediluted, and APC/wheel cleaner prediluted or concentrated do-all product. I do see a need for a gentle wheel cleaner that actually works but I also do have many customers purchase P21S Total Auto Wash. I also had a customer use it in his extractor and swears it is the best product he used for carpets. Some customers like to buy certain products for certain jobs, for example if they want a wheel cleaner....they want a product for only wheels as they think it works best. So far an APC seems to fit the bill but because it works so great on wheels I don't want it to be overlooked. What to do, What to do???...

    So far pricing will look like it will be in the $35/gallon range undiluted, half the price of P21S TAW and about the same price as other niche market products such as Optimum, Poorboy's etc. I tried to see if I can price it cheap enough for bulk detailer use but the product is too expensive undiluted. This product seems more concentrated that other I have used so we have even tossed the idea of diluting 50:50 to start which would lower the prices quite a bit.
  9. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    I know I want to try the product Chris..
  10. eShine

    eShine Guest

  11. richy

    richy Guest

    chris..can you apply the discount to this order.
  12. eShine

    eShine Guest

    will do.
  13. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    I have used it on trim and it works very well at 4to 1. Seems to be a good ratio for this stuff.
  14. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    Chris, i got the apc, thanks. I thas rained for the past 6 or 7 days so i havent been able to test it out. If the weather ever improve I will make sure its at the top of the list
  15. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I didn't have any surfaces that justified this product my last detail - I will be using it this weekend on an engine... possibly on some wheels as well
  16. carados

    carados Virgin Detailer

    was getting ready to order a few MF like 3or 4 cookie, tornado, thief, and maybe mini waffle, want to compare to all the others I have from CG, AG, and DD.
    draw back is 15.00 shipping? for 20.00 order?
  17. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    ya i was thinking of ordering MF as well but the shipping is high.
  18. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Ha, now you guys know how we Canadians feel about shipping.
  19. Faber

    Faber Any Rag Vehicle Washer


    I am not seeing the credit yet? Can you advise when it was applied?
  20. Faber

    Faber Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Yeah, shipping is a bit higher than what I would expect. But I am sure there is no money made on shipping...

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