Two idiots gets tricked

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by pirex, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

  2. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

  3. ajnavo61490

    ajnavo61490 Banned

  4. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    They certainly deserved it!
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    hahahaha :lol2: :lol2: that was funny...

    Baseball bat 0, gun 1

  6. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    LOL.....hahaha those f*ckin rednecks deserve that sh*t. there's only 2 kinds of people that deserves that sh*t rednecks and racists f*cks. he should have shot them.. (if every bit of this is real)
  7. richy

    richy Guest

    I woulda put a round or 2 into their truck.
  8. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    Nice story but obviously staged.
  9. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    :rollinglaugh: I was hoping he was an off duty police officer :rollinglaugh: I loved the red suspenders the driver of the truck was sporting :rollinglaugh:
  10. richy

    richy Guest

    This kinda reminds me of when I was at an ATM once and was making a cash deposit of a decent amount of $$. The lady behind me says "you should watch out that someone doesn't try to take that away from you". I didn't know if she had a boyfriend outside or something, but I turned to her and said "That's a really stupid thing to say to an ARMED off duty police officer". She shut her mouth pretty quickly. (I was armed btw).
  11. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    That was great. Although I am not sure I would post evidence even as funny as it was. That said, if I was on the jury I would find the BMW guy innocent on all charges.
  12. immiketran

    immiketran Virgin Detailer

    haha the rednecks were driving a toyota!
  13. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I cannot see it at work, but is this about the rednecks in the Toyota and the guy in the Z3???

    GREAT VID but I heard it was fake...
  14. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    First this clip has to be staged ,I just don't buy it.
    2ND,the best way when in a situation like this is to defuse it is soon as you can ,all the BMW guy had to do was to say "Hey I'm sorry ,I didn't realize that I cut you off".
    In reality things like this can escalate to a point that neither sides would win.

    Staged ,but was fun to watch.
    Just like this one:

    YouTube - stupid driver
  15. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    OMG I loved it Richy :rollinglaugh:
  16. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    I have see this one before but I love it! One left handed hit / slap and the guy is out cold :thud:
    YouTube - Pimp vs Karate
    Watch him try to walk away.... it cracks me up! :rollinglaugh:
  17. HAN

    HAN Birth of a Detailer

    I saw this vid before - funny, but I think its a fake.

  18. Faber

    Faber Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    haha that is funny

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