Top Gear

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by abt, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. abt

    abt Virgin Detailer

    I am a huge fan of Top Gear. I consider Top Gear the best show about cars. Every part of the show is awesome, my favorite are the race segments. I also love the visuals in the program.

    I recently learn that an american version is going to be produce by NBC. Top Gear is not the kind of program that transforms to the american market, sponsors do not like when their products are bash in television. And Top Gear bash every that, they don't like. And finally nobody can replace Jeremy Clarkson.

    Hope that there are some fan of Top Gear in here.
  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I would have to agree with you abt, it will be extremely hard to replace Jeremy Clarkson...that and the bashing...I enjoy the bashing :cheerl:
  3. abt

    abt Virgin Detailer

    Thats one of the best parts...the other is the stig driving every exotic car. I only hope they get the Veyron in the next season.

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Americans always find a way to screw everything up :(

    Except "The Office" :)
  5. NCZ13

    NCZ13 Birth of a Detailer

    i love top gear. its possibly one of my favorite shows all time. im eagerly waiting the british season to start so the guys on youtube can sneak the episodes on there for me. =) ive already seen all of season 10 on youtube. you just gotta know where to look lol

    edit: the office was amazing tonight btw
  6. abt

    abt Virgin Detailer
  7. NCZ13

    NCZ13 Birth of a Detailer

    yeah i know about that site too, which i will probably use now that i have a laptop

    but before i was on a shared family computer... and didnt have the means of DL them
  8. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I love Top Gear...Jeremy is always trying to prove just one point - that american cars are rubbish...:applause2:
    "It's rubbish!" check this one out - YouTube - Ford F150 Pickup Truck
  9. 2KLS1

    2KLS1 Birth of a Detailer

    Love that show, best car show on televison. abt when you say that NBC will produce and American version, do you mean it will be a separate show with maybe the same name and theme or are they taking it from the BBC. I hope that its a separate show because I like Top Gear as it is. I like that its filmed in England and other parts of Europe and we get to see euro cars we might not otherwise see. I'm also afraid that if NBC takes it over it will just turn into an infomercial for American car companies.
  10. abt

    abt Virgin Detailer

    The name of the show will be Gear. Adam Carolla and Tanner Foust. Its suppose to be very similar to the UK version.
  11. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    Bah, I forsee the US version being cancelled fairly quickly.
  12. g35videos

    g35videos Two Bucket System Washer

    HAHAHAH nice joke Top GEar in US will be the worst ever i wont even look at the tv and the show will fail very fast just like bullrun did.
  13. 2KLS1

    2KLS1 Birth of a Detailer

    Cool, as long as they don't ruin the UK version. As far as the US version, well I guess we'll see. I like Adam Corolla though, funny guy. I've liked him since he was on the radio here in So Cal then the Man Show.

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