CG RocketPolish/vertua-bond408/SpeedArmor357

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by FMINUS, Apr 11, 2008.


    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    CG's attempt at 106FF

    CG's CF for surface prep and bonding agent

    A new SEALANT/WAX thats supposed to be better than JS109! $58.62 for 16oz!

  2. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    wow let us know how you like that stuff
  3. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Yes! new CG products! When r they available to us? lol
  4. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Wow more new CG stuff phil, So would you use the bonding agent followed by the new sealant? Please let us know your thoughts once you get a chance to try them out.
  5. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    What does the instructions say on the bonding you leave it on and apply the sealant over it ?....does it speed curing...I tried looking on the site but not up there yet...the bonding agent would interest me if it acts like the DG one...

    I think Paul wants to be a space kadet with all the rocket and jet

    they all look interesting....


    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    fo sho!
    they may be avail already, call Paul and see. I just came home and saw this on my doorstep!
    The bonding agent can be used with both nubas and sealants. honestly I never really believed in the bonding agents, but oh well...
    It doesnt say leave it on, it says wipe until dry, so its more like a CG I guess. I dont think it speeds curing either, its best to call Paul and get it from the horse's mouth!

    Not only a cadet, a Duragloss cadet with all the 3 digit numbers too....
  7. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I am excited to see what the Rocket looks like.
  8. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Man my Visa card just can't catch a break! I can't wait to hear if the speedARMOR is better than Jetseal....that would be AWESOME! Can't wait to hear what you think of these.
  9. reefer_bob

    reefer_bob Obsessive Detailer

    interesting.... I must read more! :)
  10. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Wonder about that Armor 357...what makes it better? Maybe it's as durable as DG #105 with a fast setting time of JetSeal 109?
  11. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    wow you buy soo much they send you free samples?
  12. ericfine50

    ericfine50 Virgin Detailer

    Nice, new stuff from Chemical Guys. With spring time here in New England, time to start detailing the truck and the wife's VW again :). Gotta check out the website again.

    edit - where on the website are these listed? I did not see them?

    Thanks for posting

    MWAUTOPRO Jedi Nuba

    if they can beat this combo

    scratch and swirl be gone
    FP Polish

    then I think they made a deal with the devil...
  14. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    I hope that the durability will be better then Jetseal 109 and sheet water longer then two washes...

    The two other products looks nice, are the polish based on aluminium oxide?


    I read about the polish and it does NOT contain any abrasives. It contains "aerospace resins" and "refined speciality oils",
    I wonder how the polish will remove swirls marks on a ceramic clear with 0 abrasives?
  15. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I'm interested in that SpeedArmor stuff, looking forward to a great review of it!
  16. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    I found that the Jetseal was sub par on durability....for the cost of the product it should out last Zaino or DG ..but it did not by any a new sealant thats more expensive...

    I found that the M-Seal lasted better than jetseal...

    DG 105 or 501 will bring me thru a winter no did this winter and no topper or AW...and still beading nice...Jetseal lasted a month this last summer and went flat no beading or sheeting...same results as Porta..

    need a real time test with no toppers on it to see...

  17. marlcoke

    marlcoke Birth of a Detailer

    I agree, JS wasn't impressive considering all the praise it gets on many forums.
    Hope these new products are better this time.
  18. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

    hmm interseting
  19. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I agree in regards to the Jetseal durability. I find that it looks fantastic and is a very easy product to apply and remove. But when I recently tested JUST the Jetseal without topping it, it didn't even last me a full month on my Ford and Dodge. In the past I had topped it with a good wax, but never Jetseal by itself.

    As far as sealants are concerned, I haven't found anything else that beat Zaino.
  20. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    How long are you guys letting JS sit before removal?

    If you do the standard 15 min like directed it kills the durability.

    Try 12-24 hours. I have always found that it would last at least 2 months and the looks it gives is unbeatable

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