Introducing'Paul Dalton's Crystal Rock Wax'

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by detailersdomain, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

  2. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    another great job paul cant wait for it to be released!!!!
  3. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Nor can i, then i can show you all the new website and gallery which is finished ! :sorry:
  4. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    nice work paul.
  5. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    those pictures look amazing.
  6. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Beautiful work Paul. That is by far one of my favorite cars.

    Looking forward to seeing more results on the new product..
  7. Macmini

    Macmini Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    dont cry,'ll be mid april when swissvax will start filling and labeling the of april/beginning of may, thats when you can go live with all your stuff :afro:
  8. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Hey Tom,

    I am going to Switzerland next week, so I will have some more news in the next week!

    Kind Regards
  9. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    thank you paul sounds good
  10. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Hi Guys,

    Just sorted all the Porsche 997 Turbo cab pictures out for my new gallery, so I thought I would show you guys while I have them to hand....








    Kind Regards
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Vehicle looks great Paul :druling: :druling:

    Look forward to the unvailing of your wax and your website :thumb:

    Thank you for sharing with us :peace:
  12. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    One of my favorite cars in my favorite color. Looks awesome Paul.
  13. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    What a beaut. Give me the hard top and I'm sold.
  14. Thug

    Thug Virgin Detailer


    looking good can't wait to see the new website and all the new products, if the work you have done for me is anything to go by this new wax will take it beyond words, very best of luck with the re-launch of new site and your new venture.

    Mike (AKA Thug)

    Cooper s
  15. Divine Detail

    Divine Detail DB Pro Supporter

    Great work, Paul. I can't wait to see this product when it comes on sale!
  16. A20 LEE

    A20 LEE Virgin Detailer

    that looks very wet and glossy. Nice colour too.
  17. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks Lee, its taken over 9 months to get it that way!
  18. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks Nica.

    Hope you enjoyed the sneek preview last night! :p:
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh I enjoyed the sneak preview, thank you for sharing with me...quite the preview and look forward to the unvailing :wicked: :wicked:
  20. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

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