Sealants Comparison Help

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Jimmy, Oct 10, 2019.


Better Sealant

  1. Fictech Car Gliss

    0 vote(s)
  2. Nanolex SiFinish

  3. CarPro Reload

    0 vote(s)
  1. Jimmy

    Jimmy New Member

    Good evening guys,

    I currently received some of these items through the mystery box and was wondering if anyone had any experience dealing with these sealants.

    The sealants I would like to compare are:

    Nanolex SiFinish
    Fictech Car Gliss
    CarPro Reload

    Additionally, since Fictech Car Gliss is a ceramic-based coating, does that mean that I would have to dispose of the microfiber towel after application.

    I do also have Fictech One. If I do the Fictech system, would I apply Fictech One then apply FicTech Car Gliss?

    My last question - Should I / can I also top any of the above-mentioned sealants with Collonite 845 (the wax)

    Thank you guys.. Sorry for lots ton of questions :(
  2. Jimmy

    Jimmy New Member

  3. Mbkite

    Mbkite Member

    I really like car gliss and about 5 years ago I had a good bottle of reload

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