Looking for a good sealant that is easy to apply, have used net shield before

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by infinkc, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. infinkc

    infinkc New Member

    I have used the polymer net shield, but was hoping it would last longer. Are there any better products to try out now, i used the net shield when it first came out. Looking for something easy to apply. Can be a wax also.
  2. okay65829

    okay65829 Active Member

    If you didn't get roughly 6 months from Sonax PNS then you need to possibly reevaluate the way you prep and apply it or the way you maintain it with routine washes. When Phil applied it to my car I got a solid 6 months even after using non pH balanced soap and driving in snow, rain, and intense UV heat. I also maintained it with the brilliant shine detailer. Maybe you need to step up to a coating.
  3. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    I was going to say 3-6 months is pretty good for a sealant. what did you find wrong with it.
  4. infinkc

    infinkc New Member

    didnt find anything wrong, just thought it would bead for longer than it did.
  5. The Guz

    The Guz Member

  6. drbeasleys

    drbeasleys New Member

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