Micro Fiber pads and Backing Plates - What will handle the abuse?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by EbbeJ, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

    couldn't put it more accurately really...nothing about Kevin's Method of compounding spritzing that's not sheer gratification. It's easy, and the results are, well, TITS!

    btw, I'm going to also make a thread about this, but I'm the guy Kevin was talking about requesting the Mirka plate....and it is tits also! Well, tits looking at least, I'll give it a go tomorrow! THANKS KEVIN!
  2. Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown Buff Daddy

    So far I have been happily surprised to hear that the 916SGV is a rock star.

    A cut down 916GV is on the way. It is a rigid plate, and features what I suspect will be a more durable hook. I've sent out 4 of these plates, so we'll see how they hold up.

    I can't seem to recall where I sent one of the four... Dang it!

    If the person who bought it reads this... Let me know you got IT versus the 106GG (white Velcro, no holes). Austin has been running the 916SGV fast and furious, & his feedback has been great.
  3. alphauto

    alphauto Virgin Detailer

    unrelated question.

    I've never tried the microfiber cutting pads before, how do they compare to wool and yellow cutting pads?
  4. EbbeJ

    EbbeJ Jedi Nuba

    Have been testing this for some time now, seems to keep the heat down. Some pads still delaminate, but the overheating issue is gone. I need to get hold of a 77mm Mirka BP for the smal 3" MF pads, as the velcro on the Meguiar's BP doesn't offer the same grip as the Mirka plate.


    Kind regards,

  5. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

  6. Anthony Onorato

    Anthony Onorato Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    This is great news! I've got to try some new backing plates...I started to lose my faith with MF pads because of the short life span(well, Meguiar's at least, haven't tried other brands yet)
  7. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    Megs fails (IMHO) because the cutting pad uses that hard burgandy foam, it's too dense and too thin, friction takes over and it's all used up way too quick. The CG pads and the Megs finishing pads do much better, last longer and seem to cut/finish just as good. Now, that said, I normally only use D300 or D300 and a little 105 if needed and clean with compressed air after every panel. I haven't seen any advantage of the Megs backing plate vs the LC ones either.
  8. RaskyR1

    RaskyR1 Jedi Nuba

    That thin hard dense burgundy foam is why the Megs pads cut better than those other pads.
  9. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    Maybe Chad, but at what cost? I was getting 2, maybe 3 details and having to toss a pair of MF pads. I don't see that much of a difference switching to the thicker pads and they sure last longer. I change the variable - the polish - go more 105 for cut, hell, if it's really bad, wool and rotary time!
  10. RaskyR1

    RaskyR1 Jedi Nuba

    No more cost to me than any other pad. :thumb:

    The only time I've really had Megs pad failures is from washing them (same goes for the Opt pads and my foam pads), and I blame myself there as I left them in a bucket of water with some APC. Ask any detailer who uses the Megs pads on a regular basis, or those who've figured out how they work best just how many failures they have. If you're keeping your speed where it should be, cleaning with air, and/or switching to new pads when they start heating up, you should not be having pad failures. You don't have to keep grabbing new pad either, just cycle them out if you notice it getting hot and let the other cool down.

    If you do have failures call megs customer service and they will replace them, or give KB a call and he'll take care of you as well.

    FWIW, I do use the Opt finishing pads quite often for 1-step jobs. The thicker soft foam does make for a more enjoyable feel, but it will reduce cut.

  11. SuperiorD42

    SuperiorD42 Virgin Detailer

  12. Anthonyreasp

    Anthonyreasp Banned

    Малыши - цветочки жизни
    Дети – цветочки жизни, Недаром так говорят, Не нужно лишней тут харизмы, Все детки – наш расцветающий сад.
    Вот семечки, обыденные, простые, Ничем не примечательны они, Но можем вырастить таланты все такие, Которыми смогли б гордиться мы.
    С любовью, трепетно и лаского, Посадим новый мы росток И вырастим мы с ним конечно, Прекрасный, пламенный цветок.
    Терпенья чуточку добавим, Ну и конечно доброты, И без вниманья не оставим, Свои возлюбленные цветы.
    Ухмылку мы дарить им будем, Нести для их свое тепло, Все по призванию мы люди, Нам суждено творить добро.
    И вот мы лицезреем результаты, Вот наши первые ростки, Я знаю, то, что я вожатый, А они все, мои цветы!
    Малыши – цветочки жизни, Они же – цветущий сад, Детство - оно в наших идей, И каждый то держать в голове рад.
    Вожатый – профессия птица, Не выучить в книгах ее, В малышей необходимо просто влюбиться, Дать им сердечко свое.
    Дарить им любовь и ласку, Согреть теплом своих рук, Открыть им новую сказку, От бед уберечь и разлук.
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