GTechniq C2v3 Liquid Crystal

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Red Orc, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    Has anybody used this stuff yet?
    I just ordered a bottle of that two bottles of 1.5 Silo Seal & a bottle of Carpro Reload.
    My SUV is currently protected with Werkstat Prime Acrylic & Acrylic Jett Trigger.
    Would I have to strip this stuff off before using the Carpro & GTechniq?
  2. ACE2790

    ACE2790 Jedi Nuba

    Im not certain on this, but Im willing to bet that in order for the GTechniq to bond properly its going to need a clean, unwaxed surface.
  3. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    I finally just mixed all three together with some Werkstat Acrylic Jet Trigger/
    It seems to be bonding well enough.

    Edit :
    Works great.
  4. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    Used this combo once right before this past Winter started and once half-way through when we had a few half-way warm days.
    Lasted me the entire Winter easily. And I'm sure you heard what kind of Winter Indiana had.

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