Dream Detail - Volvo S60R in Flash Green

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by TrKent, May 5, 2014.

  1. TrKent

    TrKent Virgin Detailer

    Greetings all!

    Here is my latest work, a Volvo S60R in Flash Green. The car has nearly 90,000 miles on the odometer. The car had been cleaned, decontaminated and deironed (by me) just a few weeks before this detail.

    Wheels were cleaned with MINT+ and a variety of wheel brushes


    The vehicle was washed with FLAKE. While this is more of a maintenance wash, the majority of decontamination had been dealt with just a few weeks before.


    The following gif shows how FLAKE dissolves into warm water.


    Water behavior while washing with FLAKE


    To ensure the vehicle was still decontaminated, IRON SERUM was used. The wipe-on application does not show as much of the red-streaky iron removal but is still very effective and efficient. I used about 40ml over the whole vehicle. And as a bonus, the smell is a strong mint so it is quite pleasant to work with.


    I applied a little heavy in this area to demonstrate its effectiveness/get the runny look.


    The engine bay was given a wipe-down with polishangel ENGINE. This was not an extensive engine detail but it cleaned up very nicely.




    The paint was compounded with polishangel Master Compound and the Lambswool Ultra Cut pad on the RUPES LHR21


    The Taillights were worked out with the same combination on the RUPES LHR75



    In some areas the Master Compound machine pad was used for cutting



    Reflection after Master Compound





    Invincible | Primer being used before Cosmic


    (I love using this picnic table bench for working sides of cars :) )


    Color-Matched, Flash Green Cosmic setting before residue removal


    Reflection after the 2nd coat of Cosmic


    For this detail, Cosmic, Viking Coat (not available in the US), & Viking Shield were all used for protection :)


    The after photos, enjoy!















  2. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    Great work!
  3. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    interesting color, amazing what the outside pictures look like compared to the garage pictures.
  4. TrKent

    TrKent Virgin Detailer

    Thank you!!

    Before I started work, the color just looked like an off-silver. However, after the color-matched Cosmic the true pastel aqua color began to shine through. It is a very unique color for sure!
  5. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Nice job
    TrKent likes this.
  6. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    Looks great, that's one fine looking Volvo!
  7. TrKent

    TrKent Virgin Detailer

    Thank you both!!
  8. PremierDetailerJake

    PremierDetailerJake New Member

    great write-up, great work!
  9. tigerwash

    tigerwash New Member

    That Volvo looks so fresh! Spectacular work as always!
  10. I have to say, using primer/cosmic is so easy, and the results are amazing. I love the stuff! Car looks great. How is the Viking Coat to work with compared to Cosmic?
    joes58 likes this.
  11. TrKent

    TrKent Virgin Detailer

    Thank you very much!

    Thank you!

    Thanks! Viking Coat is pretty remarkable IMO. For this detail the triple-protection combination was a bit overkill. This car is one I get to check up on every few months and it still looks the same as in these photos.

    Application of Viking Coat is nearly the same as Cosmic. The wait time is a little longer for removal but the car is driveable in three hours after the last coat. Viking Coat has 5% more silica and 10% more titania than Cosmic and doesn't require Primer prior to application.

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