IPA before LSP?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by MGEVOX, Sep 11, 2013.


    MGEVOX Guest

    I'm reading varying opinions on this what do you guys do IPA wipe after polish? Something else? Or nothing as long as all looks well?
  2. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    I use Menz Top Inspection after polishing to get the residue off before applying sealant.
  3. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Especially if applying a Coating, such as Optimum, 2.0, etc., you would want the painted surfaces as clean as possible to insure the best adhesion of the coating to the paint and not to the top of surface oils, etc...
    It is as simple as that ! :)
    Dan F

    MGEVOX Guest

    Thank you ordering with my polisher etc...
  5. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    Polishes leave behind a lot of oils, and the alcohol solutions help dissolve (to clean) your surface making for the cleanest surface for you to apply your sealants and waxes.
  6. Artem Archakov

    Artem Archakov Virgin Detailer

    How is Menzerna different from Just diluting 1:1 isopropyl alcohol?
    AM i fine to use alcohol or should i rather use TI

    DJBAILEY Birth of a Detailer

    Using an IPA mixture (20-30% IPA) to wipe down each panel as you are polishing and then wiping down the entire car with something like Prep-Sol or Prep-All before you apply your wax,sealant or coating is a cost effective way to assure the paint is clean. IPA and distilled water to mix with, are both cheap. A gallon of Prep-All is about $18-20 and would last you a long time.

    The Menz TI is kind of expensive. If you want to go to the extreme, after your IPA wipe down you can go over the car with a black/blue/red pad and a paint cleanser. DP has a coating prep polish that will leave your paint clean with no residue. The AF Tough Prep is a paint cleaner with a bit of finishing poilsh added that also leaves a clean surface. For the last few months I have been using one of those two before applying a coating (OC/EXO/CQuartz/DP/Wolf's HB/BW).
  8. jr1415us

    jr1415us New Member

    What about a weak solution of ONR mixed 50/50 with the alcohol? This would keep the friction down a bit when wiping down the panels.

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