Recently completed, this brand new Porsche Cayman came in to start things off on the right foot with surface particulate removal(All new cars have some degree of fall out on the finish) refinement of the finish in preparation of a coating being applied. Dirty wheels in need of a good cleaning. Starting the job. Clay pic showing particulate removal. Wheels were dismounted for application on the barrels. Now completely cleaned and prepped for the coating. Light dirt in the wells and suspension. Wheel wells now cleaned up. Fine polishing the finish. Film was being applied to the doors and rockers/intake so prep for that task. Nearing completion. Film applied and a coating on top of that for protection, inlet air intakes cleaned and dressed to a satin finish. Tight beading showing protection on the wheels. On the finish as well. Beautiful clarity and protection of the "Agate Grey" Porsche finish. Jambs polished and protected. Interior cleaness. Another Porsche hitting the streets of Northern California sorted properly.
Great work Bob ... love the color!! That tire dressing looks amazing as well. Really subtle, but noticeable
That's fantastic job I must admin, very detail. Definitely, a passionate guy doing what his love. Show us around your garage please!