Man who plowed into crowd at SXSW could face death penalty

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by BoostedMk6, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

    What do you guys think?

  2. The Driver

    The Driver Birth of a Detailer

    Death is the easy way out, he should have to live a lifetime without the possibility of parole to remember and be made an example of why this kind of stuff is so selfish and how hard the justice system will come down on you. This is one of the most over looked issues we have in society today, there are countless people who walk on manslaughter, being drunk is just as guilty as loading a gun. When he chose to drive he essentially pulled the trigger...
  3. mikek82890

    mikek82890 New Member

    ^^^^^agreed doesnt matter whether or not he was drunk or high... he knew when he drank that he was probably going to have to drive home and on top of that he clearly was conscious enough to say OH SH** the police and run. also putting him to death doesnt exactly solve anything nor make any of those or their familes feel better. The only pro in the death penalty is maybe save tax payers money on having to feed and shelter him in jail for the rest of his life, but dont quote me because i dont know what the cost of the whole death penalty process is.
  4. The Driver

    The Driver Birth of a Detailer

    Mike you are correct, the death penalty is a cheaper and buy a significant margin but only states where it is "expedited" if you will. Just for reference. In heavy liberal states it costs more due to legal in court costs.
  5. Beachzone

    Beachzone Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    The guy is 21 and has 6 kids?!?! SMH

  6. JohnsHandWash&Wax

    JohnsHandWash&Wax New Member

    Call me old fashioned. I`m a firm believer that you should suffer for something like this, not necessarily physical. Maybe a daily reminder of what he did via pics, videos from the family members/kids he hurt. On the opposite side, the Christian background in me believes that he deserves forgiveness.
  7. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

    Correct. He also has a previous DUI from 2011.
  8. mikek82890

    mikek82890 New Member

    @thedriver oh kk i figured there would be a "catch" in certain states but regardless of price or money jail time for something like i feel would be a better punishment than anything else

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