Anyone do photoshop work? Wheel advice?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by bigaudiofanatic, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. bigaudiofanatic

    bigaudiofanatic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I am getting down to ordering my new wheels in about a month. The only problem? Too many choices that I like. Could I get some opinions/advice on the last few that I have chosen? I still haven't even figured out if I should go grey or black wheels.

    The car in questions



    The wheels in question





    If someone could take the time to photoshop these I would even pay for their time. Please share your thoughts

    MGEVOX New Member

    I think I'd go with the bottom enkei as far as Photoshop I am of no service to you with that.
  3. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    I like the vossen's myself
  4. bigaudiofanatic

    bigaudiofanatic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Ya i'd like to actually see them on the car.
  5. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    I could pull this off for you, I just don't have time today, it'll be this weekend if no one dose it before me.
    bigaudiofanatic likes this.
  6. bigaudiofanatic

    bigaudiofanatic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Yes please do man!
  7. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Alright, the pics you gave weren't much to go on, so I did my best trying to find some on cars with similar angles. These are 3 quick photoshops to give you a rough idea. BTW, I kept them at the same size as the current wheels on the car since you didn't specify a size.



  8. bigaudiofanatic

    bigaudiofanatic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thank you for your help, I will actually be going 1 size bigger (from 17-18 inch) for my wheel size.

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