Luxury car brands linked to bad driving habits

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by BoostedMk6, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

  2. NickBlaine

    NickBlaine Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Are all BMW drivers assholes?

    Yes. This is funny.
  3. kyle butler

    kyle butler Birth of a Detailer

    Color me surprised. (not really). Although i see the stigma moving from BMW to Audi lately. Which is too bad because i really like Audis.
  4. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    I am always getting cut off and tailgated by Prius owners. I guess they figure they can speed and get good gas mileage. I usually respond with a downshift and a fly by. Smiles per gallon, not miles per gallon.
  5. 9evolution

    9evolution Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I have to agree prius drivers seem to cut me off all the time. They are nuts, sometimes Im in a 20000lb truck dumb asses. BMW drivers, I get a kick out of blowing their doors off with my econobox.
  6. joffems

    joffems Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I guess someone took the joke, 'What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW' seriously.
  7. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Entitlement comes with how much money one person has I do not find it surprising at all that people with the capability of affording more expensive, luxury cars are more prone to thinking they're "the shit" and displaying this type of behavior. However, I will state that in my clientèle, all BMW drivers, except 1 were super friendly and had great personalities. Not douchy at all. So far, the worst for me are the Porsche drivers.
  8. invaderzim

    invaderzim Jedi Nuba

    I think BMW suffers (or financially enjoys) being bought by a lot of people that just buy them for the name. And as JoeyV pointed out you end up with people thinking they are entitled to special privileges. Those that drive them for the driving experience are probably a different lot.

    Here's my question, how many of those people that are pushy and self centered in their driving are able to afford a BMW because they have been pushy and self centered in their working lives? Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be a good person and drive a Mazda but just curious where the cause and effect is on the driving and lifestyle. Or are they angry and in a hurry because they've overextended themselves in every aspect of their lives to try to impress. Which would go back to JoeyV's example because those that can still afford a quality detail on top of the cost of the car aren't overextended so they may be more relaxed, intelligent and decent.
  9. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    I work out of a really great Independent BMW/Audi/Volkswagen/Porsche Cayenne Repair Shop, Detailing their Client's vehicles, while they are in for repair, etc... I see and talk to Owners of all these marques every day and I have never met a Bimmer owner who is a jerk or anything like that at all.. They are all for the most part, very nice, love their cars and take the time and $$$ to insure their "baby" is in great shape internally and externally. Most of them love their cars because of the "driving experience" their car gives them.

    Have also owned many, many, new and used Bimmers for the past 14 years and have been a member of the BMW CCA that long as well.

    I got interested in BMW because they are "driver's cars" in that they totally transmit what is going on outside to the driver, and if you like to drive and hug corners, etc., this marque is one that will give this experience to you. They come from the factory with very aggressive wheel alignment settings (in the sport and M models the most), that enhance the cornering power of the car even more.

    Most of the older ones before they started getting fatter always had almost perfect 50/50% balance between the front and rear, which always enhances handling.

    When I sold my bought new in 2002 Z3-M Coupe, the people who bought it drove it home to Minneapolis, and took a picture of the speedometer in Montana and it was at 175mph and they said they could have gone faster but were happy at 175. They drove from Bellevue, Washington, outside of Seattle to Minneapolis, Minn. in 24 hours.. Yes, they also like to drive Bimmers fast. They said it took over 24 hours to get the adrenalin down enough that they could relax again after being in a car going well over 100mph for a few thousand miles...

    So, my take on this is that Bimmer owners for the most part, like to drive fast and the cars can pretty much do this and give the driver excellent feedback, and like all Bimmers I have driven, the more you press the gas pedal down, the faster it goes. Very linear power...Just keeps going faster...

    So maybe they seem like a-holes and stuff but maybe they are just caught up in the driving experience of a real "driver's car", and are not being too polite about it... :)

    Dan F
  10. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

    Directly from the original report:

    “In our higher-status vehicle category, Prius drivers had a higher tendency to commit infractions than most,”

    Looks like you guys are on to something!
  11. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Thanks for sharing this from the report.
    What it doesn't say is the age of Prius drivers that drive fast and aggressively. I have to surmise that the younger drivers of these cars are the ones going fast because the old farts driving them go so slow, it is almost maddening to be caught behind one of these clowns... :)
    Dan F
  12. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Bmw drivers are not assholes, they are cocks. Cocks f*ck assholes!
  13. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    This is very true, but kind of circles back to my point on "having enough money" The ones who buy the BMWs new aren't the problem, it the 66% of drivers that buy them used that are generally the cocks.
  14. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Wealthy Prius drivers can be huge jerks- MSN Money
  15. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    Wealth can bring arrogance no what they drive but see it at all income levels.
  16. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I love BMW and will never ever switch to toyota from BMW. My opinion about Prius - its made for very poor third world natioms like India anf Malaysia, just look at their cars, they are all styled just like prius, which is sreaming that its fucking poor. If you posess the feeling called PRIDE, you will never get a prius.

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