black 2007 vette

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Tegeler, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Tegeler

    Tegeler Two Bucket System Washer

    Had a customer get in contact with me about doing her and her husbands 2007 Corvette. He said they have had it a few years now and the "swirlys" were really starting to bother him. So we discussed what could be done. I informed him we could do some paint correction on it and get it looking good again. He then doubted the swirls could be removed and was just hoping for it to shine again.

    Well after him doubting they would come out I knew I had to get down to buisness and get this thing looking great again! I took delivery of the car at 8AM on Friday morning and got to work. I was a little crunched for time to get it done the same day so not many befores or action pictures sorry! there was a lot of rain on the radar comming my way so I got right o work on giving it a good wash and doingt he barrell of the wheels and the tires a good scrub. After that is turned into night time at 10AM!
    Tarminator on a shop rag doing its thing
    trunk jamb filthy
    and some nasty exhasut tips
    safe in the garage from the rain, wind and small hail!

    After the wash I pulled it in the garage to inspect the condition of the paint. and boy was this thing HAMMERED! I could see why these were bothering him and why he doubted me lol. I knew right away I was going to have to go with my trusty Menzerna FG400 followed up by SF4000. I started a test section with FG400 on a microfiber pad and did not like the results at all I then changed it up to the orange Uber foam pad for 2 passes and was very pleased. followed that by the SF4000 on a green uber pad the results were stunning and made for some dripping wet black paint! So I has my process and got down to hitting the entire car with 2 passes of FG400 and one go of SF4000.
    This is what I had to work with over the entire car. Sorry my pictures do no justice! camera on my galaxy 3 is all I had
    SF4000 putting on its serious face lol
    getting some results on the front fender

    From here on I put my headphones on and got to polishing and doing the detail work. Forgot to take many pictures sadly. So the rest are a mix and match of progress.

    50/50 on the vert top
    left side cleaned up

    For LSP I went with a layer af Adams brilliant glaze followed by Petes 53 paste wax for stunning results on this garage queen.

    glaze hazing over

    The rest of the pictures are after shots!

  2. Tegeler

    Tegeler Two Bucket System Washer

    After starting on the car at 8AM I worked on untill around 10PM to get the car dialed in and ready to present to the customer. They agreed to come pick it up in the morning after the rain stopped. When they walked in the garage to see it for the first time they were amazed. They could not believe the depth of the paint and how the swirls were gone. The look on thier face and how happy they were made all the hard work worth it to me!

    If you have any quesdtions on products used let me know! Be more than happy to answer and of them. Hope you all enjoyed my marginal write up lol
  3. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Nice job. Which DA did you use? I have to pick up some FG400, already have SF4000. Love Pete's 53 as a paste LSP, easy on and off and good durability. I did a 10 black Camaro over the weekend and that paint was rock hard. I would have liked to try FG400 on it, had to add some 105 to D300.
  4. Tegeler

    Tegeler Two Bucket System Washer

    for the larger areas I used the Flex 3401 and the smaller areas the portercable with 4" uber pads. pick yourself up some FG400 you will never regret the purchase! Can never go wrong when I use petes 53 on a garge kept car always gives some great depth to the paint and is super easy on and off I love it.

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