Short of killin the lil b**tard with a pellet gun

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Ray in Kingwood, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    any suggestions on how to stop my neighbors cat from sleepin on my engine...?

    I raised the hood tonight to show a bud the motor detail and there were cat hairs everywhere!.......


    I am open to any ideas.....

  2. Sparkie

    Sparkie Wax on..Wax off

    You can always get a dog....
  3. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

    i hear they dont like citrus.
    maybe get something specifically for repelling cats

    i know detailing world had a big post about this.

    that or you could take it for a ride and let it out on the other side of town!(i dont like cats, especially when they ruin stuff)
  4. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I hate to kill him, but I wont let him continue to sleep in my engine bay....the hairs are bad enough but if he damaged something...I would be more inclined to do that.....and I really dont want to. I will try methods others suggest first.

    I hate to drive him on the other side of town as domestic cats are not as adept to securing their own food as the wild ones and I would not sleep thinking I allowed him to die a slow miserable death.....
  5. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    keep the motor runnig Ray
  6. Blackwater

    Blackwater Virgin Detailer

    Your car is a pussy magnet!
  7. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    LOL at Blackwater!
  8. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba


    ray it was a joke. it was kinda mean but, i hate cats!

    yeah let me find the link for the dw thread
  9. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

  10. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    They do sell a cat and dog repelant at the farm stores looks like a lolipop..and you stick it in the garden to keep them away..maybe one of these will work.....

    i have a cat and 3 pitbulls and lucky for me they do not sleep on the I did leave the windows down last summer and had a raccoon get in and when i was getting in to go to work he busted loose...jumped up and out...I had to go back inside to change my shorts..scared the bejesus out of me..he must have smelt the dog treats in there and had a feast all night...

  11. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    :rollinglaugh: Good one AL :applause2: :giggle: I know what you mean I had a raccoon trapped in the garage over night once. :shakehead: what a mess! He was not happy and wrecked the garage! I had one Rotweiler, a Westie and mini Aussie that slept through the entire ordeal. That darn raccoon knocked stuff off the shelves, knocked over a trash can , chewed the weather stripping off the bottom of the garage door, went to town on a bag of dog food and crapped everywhere.:shakehead: What a mess!
    I know moth balls will keep squirrels out of our boat, in the winter. Maybe it will work on the cat :shrug: I put moth balls in a old vitamin bottle and drill holes in it. It might work :shrug:
  12. POPPAJ

    POPPAJ DB Forum Supporter

    Gunney sack= .25to.50

    Cinder block= .99

    Deep water= priceless
  13. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    hehehhehehe :giggle:

    SORRY!! BUT....... ahhhh NO bad idea!!!
  14. pt91

    pt91 Virgin Detailer

  15. Calogero

    Calogero Two Bucket System Washer

    Or maybe just go talk to your neighbour and be civil.

    Its dangerous b/c want if the cat is sleeping and you start the car?
  16. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Dont know whom it belongs to or I would have done that long ago...
  17. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

  18. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    It looks like he has a tag so maybe it is a license. Maybe cats need a license where you live :shrug: Anyway... here..... there is a county website, if you put in the license # it will tell you who the owner is. If it is a rabies tag, sometimes the vet will engrave the owners number or the vets number on the back of the rabies tag. Just a few thougts, if you have not already thought of them :thumb: Good luck! And don't shoot the cat :giggle: If you do not post it,please. :rollinglaugh: I know I caught my own cat on my car and I warned him.. if he does it again he is gone! :giggle:

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