Starting a Business, Working on a Logo. Can someone help me out?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Daniel Shook, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Daniel Shook

    Daniel Shook Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    So I have recently started acquiring customers for paint corrections and detailing services. I have created a facebook page and started a "services/prices" list that I have not published since it's pretty much a rough draft.

    So here's what I'm stuck on. . . I cannot for the life of me come up with a logo or a design for the business. I have come up with a name I can register as an LLC that I like. The .com is open if I want it and I have the facebook page created already. I want something I can turn into stickers and put on a hoody/shirt so when I am working I can wear that. Also that will be nearly free advertising for me when in public.

    Logo's are definitely hard to come up with since you really want it to present your business in a professional manner while still getting across what you do or the name of your business. Can anyone help me out with this? If so I'd realllllyyyy appreciate it!
  2. Mr. Sparkle

    Mr. Sparkle DB Pro Supporter

    its a crap shoot, and I weeded through a number of terrible ones but ultimately I got my logo done for $10 through (2 gigs)

    Fiverr is good with refunding you if you're not happy with the work. plenty of people on there doing logos and other graphic design work. find someone with a lot of good feedback
  3. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba You put up a job and a price you are willing to pay for the job along with a deadline. Obviously the more you offer, the higher quality designs you will get in return from more qualified designers. You put together a list of mandatory things you want in the design...colors, images, theme, font style, or if you want you can leave it more open for the designers to put there own spin on it. Info like demographics and market are important too. As the designers upload their work, you can begin to weed through them and give feedback or request variations to ones that you think are good, close, on the right direction. It is very important to give them a good starting point so all info about your business is vital, as is feedback asap.

    visit the site, you can browse current project to get a feel for the type of work you can expect from the designers, and what quality you can expect for what $$. Designers are from all over the world so you do get a pretty good pool of designers to see your project.
  4. Daniel Shook

    Daniel Shook Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks for the help. I actually texted another member of the forum and he mentioned putting a reflection in the actual logo. I have basically completed what I will be using for the name for cards/website/banner etc.

    Here it is (without the watermark at the top of course). It took me about 30 minutes to get that picture (that's my Mach 1) and some editing in lightroom and photoshop to do this. Let me know what you guys think (if you right click and open image in new tab you will get a bigger more vivid picture):[​IMG]
  5. Delgiorno12

    Delgiorno12 Birth of a Detailer

    Turned out really good man!
  6. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    Just trying to give constructive criticism so take it as you will..not trying to put it down. The car itself is barely visible, at least to me on my screen. I personally would stay away from the car silhouette, seems to be used a lot. If you do want to stay with that, I woud try to blend the text into the silhouette a little better. Bring them closer together or add some design to connect them...they seem too far apart, almost like they dont belong together.

    Maybe do like a 3/4 shot from slightly above from the headlight to the driver rear. put the name so it is coming into the hood from the passenger side...if that makes sense?

    just some thoughts
  7. pmakhija

    pmakhija Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I got mine done at as well. I paid 45 dollars for it but I love the design and everybody who has looked at it has only told me how much they love it. I left it open to interpretation by the designers, got a few submissions and liked this one the best. So I would recommend just my 2 cents.
  8. Daniel Shook

    Daniel Shook Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I updated it a couple hours after I posted it here for the first reasons you were talking about. The Silhouette is not actually part of the logo that's more for a banner picture/business card. The way the words are arranged and have the reflections is more of a Logo for now.

    Here is the updated one:

    Also if you can give me an example of what you are talking about above I can try and make that happen. It sounds interesting I guess I don't completely understand what you mean though. What do you mean 3/4 shot? You mean a picture from above the vehicle, starting from the drivers headlight shot down the door so you can still see the rear quarter panel? Sounds interesting, I'm just confused.

    I'm really trying to do this without spending money if I can. If eventually when I put my website up I want a logo that's not the name then that won't be a bad route but for now I need the name to get out there. A logo is going to be hard to tie into this long of a name.
  9. ModdedMach

    ModdedMach Birth of a Detailer

    Hey shook its not too expensive to get a logo professionally done. As long as you know pretty much what you want and the graphic designer is any good you usually can stay under 100 bucks.

    My logo design is in progress. 26 emails back and forth with the designer and we have a really strong base to work from. Should be pretty much done tomorrow aside from choosing exactly which colors to use.

    Im not a photoshop guy, nor am i artistic, so a pro was the way to go for me lol.
  10. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    Here an example fo what I was trying to explain (minus the filled windshield) silhouette of car | Stock Vector © ????? ??????????? #6421893...and then have the name coming into the silhouette over the fender/hood between the light and mirror passenger side. You can then play off the work reflection and have like it's reflecting off the paint. again just tossing some ideas your way.
  11. Daniel Shook

    Daniel Shook Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks for the example. Not a bad idea at all. I'm on vacation for a week so i'm not near my car but I'll play with the idea. I have been looking to come up with an abbreviated logo as well but we will see.

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