Atomic Orange C6 Z06 2 day correction - Immaculate Reflections

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by GoFast908Z, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    A local forum member had me spend a couple days on his Atomic Orange C6 Z06 before he sold it. It was in pretty good shape, the swirls were not too bad on it. Outcome was about 90% correction.

    Upon arrival
















    LED light source to spot the swirls






    Looking better....




    On the driver's rear quarter.......






    Driver's fender corrected



    Finished pictures






    As the Vette was finished very late in the evening, no sun shots. But the street lights gave the orange paint a very vibrant color.







    My favorite shot


    Thanks for looking!
  2. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    nice work Jeff!
  3. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    Intense color, nice work!
  4. stingray23

    stingray23 Jedi Nuba

    nice job. Atomic orange was a great color. Too bad they stopped producing it.
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Love that colour. Nice job.
  6. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Great choice in color!
  7. cnut

    cnut DB Forum Supporter

    That color goes well with the Vette. Nice work!

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