DD vs. Autogeek

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Money2536, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    in response to the AG fanboys, yes there are AG fanboys, just like there are DD fanboys, every site will generate fanboys, there are also people that may seem like fanboys, but they may have only used the pbmg brands because they are definitely pushed on ag / the samples from ag are easy to attain (1 with each order generally) thus they get to try a good product so they pickup a larger size in the faith they generated from the free (ish) sample
    So a lot of these guys just recommend.. all that they know
  2. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    DD carries Megs detailer line which works fine, if you cannot get what you need from Phil, then there is a problem.

    Me being west coast, Phil processes and ships pretty much same day. AG, it can sit there for 4 days before it is shipped ground.

    Phils service is second to none, and he backs his products up 100%, you can call or Email him 24/7 and get a valid response usually within a day, I've got emails from him at 2am before. Money becomes a moot issue if the service sucks ass. Try getting service from AG or CG, and I use CG and have no complaints about the product, but the response time on emails or even answering the phone can be an aggravating affair.

    as for "pushing" a brand over another, I do not see that here, or on Phils site. If you like it, buy it. If not there is no "pushing" And honestly, everything Phill sells works, personally tested by him and some of the best in the detailing field.

    Many folks are in this as a hobby, and as with all hobbies there are varying price points.
  3. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I have had good customer service from DD (phil) I've had good customer service from AG, and chemical guys, lol if you don't see products being pushed you need to open your eyes, i'm not here to start shit, but just an example sonax wheel cleaner is obviously pushed here, I'm not crying about it, I honestly don't even care and being a veteran product pushing usually doesn't even bother me, but to say that products are not pushed here I'll have to call you on that
  4. Fenderpicks

    Fenderpicks Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    That is exactly how i feel as well.
    I usually buy from AG, because of the free shipping they offer. Many brands to choose from. But i absolutely hate the AG Forum....
    But DD has some things that others dont... AF for exmaple...
    but i go wherever have the best sales lol
  5. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Thanks for opening my eyes........... wheeeew. :thumb:

    and I for one do not like Sonax, its over priced and I can get just as great results with Zeps, Chemical guys and Mothers. But that is my opinion, I have used sonax and its just not for me........

    I don't think you are here to instigate, its a free country and you are entitled to your opinion. I think "pushed" was a strong level of verbage, may have phrased it like "heavily endorsed"

    Seriously, i can see where you are coming from, but yes, they are "heavily used" but unlike other forums nobody gets banned here or a PM from a moderator for discussing other brands and companies. I've used alot of what phil, AG, CG and ADS sell. some of it works, some of it is crap and some of it is just flat out a duplication of other stuff. I am not a big botique user, and if you read my prior posts im one of the few people here that don't jump on the band wagon of the latest and greatest products. I like to keep it simple and inexpensive and honestly im a big fan of stuff you can buy off the shelf.
  6. psynx

    psynx Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    thats probably my only drawback is that im ffrom socal and when i buy from AG it takes a week to get here only cause its cross country, and im an impatient booger lol. although AG has sales almost every week
  7. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    You ever use ADS? they carry pretty much everything AG carries, he is out of AZ, I get most of my stuff if I order from him in about 2-3 days tops.

    except their house brands but, if you want Megs, Opt, stoners, etc..... he carries it, shipping is pretty reasonable.

    If i need basics I go to him or CG........
  8. umi000

    umi000 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Honestly, I've had a better experience, customer-service wise, with AG than ADS. I made a couple of orders from a variety of sellers, shipped to my sister, who had then just moved to a new apartment. Now, it turned out that UPS and FEDEX had issues with shipping to my sister's apartment, such that the orders were simply not getting delivered.

    I had an order with ADS, and one with AG, both enroute. Contacted both to try and get the orders rerouted. ADS's response was that they couldn't change delivery addresses on orders that had shipped - I would have to call UPS myself directly (not the most economical thing to do from half-way around the world). AG told me that they would contact UPS for me, and get the shipping address changed. Honestly put me off from ordering anything from ADS, unless they they're offering a really, really good deal on something I need.
  9. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    They have their quirks, Ive personally never had a problem. Not even with AG, just processing and ship times, but I have similar issues with Amazon. Nobody is perfect, especially in the logistics world. Once you add in third party carriers there become too many moving parts. Its not always the sellers fault, but they they should do more to mitigate the issues.

    I would expect there be closer options to the philippines then Arizona?

    That is cool AG was willing to do that, most companies would not.

    I think everyone here has their go to companies, nobody is perfect
  10. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    As far as the forum issues, AG is very clear that in-house brands be discussed on AG only and everything and anything can be discussed on autopiaforums.com. I don't have a problem with that. I belong to several LE forums, 1 in particular deletes posts and bans all the time the others you can post what you want (within reason).
  11. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    autoality is a great retailer as well, who has gotten me products in less than 24 hours..
  12. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    My family lives up in Pittsburgh and each time I go up I stop in and say hey to T, he's a huge source of knowledge, super friendly, and it never fails to have a one hour chat with him. I order from Phil and T as much as I can.
  13. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    It's more than fair to expect the owner of any forum to push it's own brands and whatever it's trying to sell, they own it, they can do it. The only problem I have is advertising that a forum is open discussion but then banning, deleting, locking, etc when their products are discussed negatively, a little hypocritical to me. As far as AG is concerned, they clearly state that their forum is to discuss their stuff, and autopiaforums is for open discussion.

    I think who buys what from whom involves two things, price/shipping, and loyalty. Many are loyal to one particular vendor, but I'm sure everyone would buy something elsewhere if the price is right, and there's nothing wrong with that, I buy from many vendors, whomever has what I need for the cheapest price or if there's a sale or special going on, I'll buy from them. If I don't like how they do business, then I won't. I think most times it comes down to shipping costs also.
  14. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    This is what i do as well. I have spoke to T many times as well as Phil. Both are awesome helpful great people to do business with.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  15. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    I buy 95% of my stuff from Phil because he sells most everything I use and his customer service is #1. Anytime I have a question or a problem he gets back to me right away and that to me is key now days. I do buy some stuff from AG and have never had a problem. As the forum goes never had a problem posting anything on their forum ever.
  16. Streetlife

    Streetlife Birth of a Detailer

    I always say research is your best friend when choosing professional boutique detailing products. I have all types of high end products, Danase (only have their water spot remover), chemical guys, 1z einsett, wolfgang, dodo juice and a lot more high end brands. The key is technique, and actually taking your time to detail properly while learning the curve to your products, and not rushing the process of detailing.
  17. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    I haven't had any negative experiences from any vendor as I have used many. But I prefer to deal with Phil and give him the majority of my business. This is due to his knowledge and impeccable customer service. He is just always present and available. He knows each and every product that he sells . He doesn't try to carry everything. Which I feel is a good thing. Plus its a bonus that i can usually get my orders from him next day.
  18. umi000

    umi000 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Agree that it wasn't really his fault, but as you say, part of customer service is doing a bit more than what you're obligated to do - I felt that AG did more for me in that matter than ADS did :shrug:.

    It's actually more cost-effective to have items shipped to someone in the US (my sister in NY), and then have her ship everything in one big box via sea freight, than to buy from sellers in the PH. Detailing products are incredibly expensive here, and the market very underdeveloped - to put things into perspective, Meguiar's is considered a boutique brand over here, and their pricing reflects it (for example, their Ultimate Liquid wax costs about $60 here, vs ~$20 in the US; Ultimate Compound is $25 here, vs $9 there).
  19. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    Just another reason I love ordering from DD...


    Ordered - Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:43 AM
    Phil emailed me to let me know he got the order - Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:06 PM
    Order Shipped - Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 1:59 PM
    Tracking Received - Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 2:20 PM
    Delivered - Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    Thats what customer service is all about...
  20. premshine09

    premshine09 Jedi Nuba

    ^^^^^ Phil is the man.

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