newimagedetail, typically only post pics of cars. Love looking at pics of chicks, it can be addicting. -Kody-
Twitter is pretty lame............. why do people think others think where you are eating, what you ate or if you had a window seat? I post on FB stuff, but not at that minute, not at that second. "omg, we are being chaased by a big ass pitbulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll oh **** oh **** its biting me, my he is mad, oh there goes my leg, I think hes gonna get my neck gotta stop tweeting" that is how lame twitter comes off to me
Twitter is super ghey. Sent from my iPhone using TapTalk 2000 Black DRW F-350 Gauges, DP tuner, ported housing, T-500:evil:, JW VB, 5in turbo back, hutch/harpoon mod, 6.0 IC, tru cool tranny cooler, etc
Well here's the start i suppose. Instagram says it now has the right to sell your photos | Politics and Law - CNET News
FB is so desperate for money its hilarious.........well I am going to just start taking pictures of dog shit, they can use that however they want