I looked at the car last week, to see what I needed to charge (insurance was paying for it) Over spray wasn't very bad and the nano towel worked very well I must say. The real issue was the condition of the paint. It looked a little "OFF" to me, so I decided to improve it a little. _B291340 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291339 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291335 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291333 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291332 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290017 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290014 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290013 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290011 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290009 by savingspaces33, on Flickr Here are the reasons why the color looked off. I would guess, improper maintenance. _B291341 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291342 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291343 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291344 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291345 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291346 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291347 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291348 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B291349 by savingspaces33, on Flickr Here are some before during and after pictures. _B290034 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290029 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290030 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290031 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _C010028 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290016 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _C010024 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B300009 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B300008 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _B290026 by savingspaces33, on Flickr _C010030 by savingspaces33, on Flickr Thanks for looking!!!
Holy crap Thomas. Best one from you yet. How many hours into that? It was pretty much as bad as it gets.
Must have been washed with a Magic Eraser! Great turnaround, I yao-faced at the left over residue around the emblems.
Great work man. I can't believe some people will even pay for paint correction or other real detailing services on a car like that.
Thank you each and everyone of you! In case some didn't read it, the car came in for over spray removal. But, because the paint was in such bad shape, I threw in the paint correction. Hours: Around 20? Lucky for me, some of the RIDS were beyond paint correction. (A lot of that time was spent removing over spray.) Some you can see in the 50/50. Overall, it looks a lot better now. Thanks again!!!!