A friend of me asked me if i could <do> something in his car he is complain me that he created rids and swirls because he washed the car with scotchbrite.. I agreed and before i saw the situation of the car .. :shakehead: So a tip Dont you ever wash your car with this The car came to me clean only the wheels needed some cleaning ,i proceed with bilbery 1-5 and some iron x Some iron x in paint to make my self easier with claybar So after washing ,de-iron and clay bar the true situation of the car revealed ... I hope that my photography skills can show the true condition The main problem wasnt the swirls but these areas so i procced first with the bonnet and the roof I knew from previous audi that the clear was hard but this clear was the hardest i ever worked ,so i compounded with m101 and surbuf to finish to this 50-50 if you look closely And the roof All previous pictures before refinish only with compounding so excuse the hazing I only had one surbuf pad and he died so i proceed with mf pad with no so good results ,again with m101 (some areas 2 hits) Some 50-50 on the sun And some finished pics after one gloss of gloss it finish and gloss it concorso gloss Thanks i hope you like it
yikes. Why on earth would anyone use something that was designed to scrub dishes and pots and pans to wash their car with? It wouldn't be the first time i've seen that LOL