Looking For Some Help With Pad Selection

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by DP 08 GXP, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. DP 08 GXP

    DP 08 GXP Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i know this topic has been beat to death because ive been searching on about 3 different forums for the last 3 days and i am in overload with the amount of info i have read

    i placed an order that will be arriving today for some new polishes i want to give a try....i have tried Adams and Optimum lines and today i will be getting Megs 105, Menz Power Finish, and Menz PO85RD...my equipment that i use is a Flex PE14 for the compounding step and Flex 3401 on the polishing step...i want to get to the point where i can use the Flex PE to finish but ive only had it for a month so im not to that point yet

    for the Flex PE14 i currently have 5.5" LC flat pads in orange for compounding and white for polishing

    for the Flex 3401 i have 7" Adams Green for compounding, orange for polishing and white for finishing and 7" LC flat pads in orange and white

    here is what i have been thinking of getting:
    Purple Foamed wool pad for the M105 on the Flex PE14 on cars that are trashed or have a hard clear
    Uber Orange with M105 on Flex PE14 on cars that arent as bad
    Uber Green or orange for the Menz Power Finish as either a 1 step or 2nd step depending on the vehicle
    Uber Blue for Menz PO85RD for finishing

    does this sound right to you guys or should i look at a different pad/product combination or different pad company altogether? i was reading about the hydro pads but it sounds like they dont last very long and read a lot of good things about the Uber pads...any and all input is greatly appreciated!
  2. DP 08 GXP

    DP 08 GXP Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Anybody have any input?
  3. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    Get smaller pad and backing plates. 7 is way too big. 5.5 is biggest I used. Purple foam is amazing with 105. Polishing orange or yellow. White for final polish. I use flat pads but I use mostly DA. I heard CCS pads are good with rotary. I have some in trade section if u wana try them
  4. wheelzntoys01

    wheelzntoys01 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Purple works great with PE rotary.

    Im wondering if a waffle would be better for rotary, currently I use white CCS but still see some holograms so my go to finish is still with DA.

    i know my technique is raw, I need a lot of experience.

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