1990 Mazda RX-7 Project Car Full Correction by AutoDermatology

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by DaytonaJae, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. DaytonaJae

    DaytonaJae Birth of a Detailer

    A customer found me on one of the forums I frequent, and contacted me to book a full paint correction on his project car, a red 1990 Mazda RX-7 Convertible.

    It had been recently repainted about 3 months ago, but you really couldn't tell from the damage found upon closer inspection. My best guess is that the painter was in a hurry, and although he did a good job painting the car, he simply did not finish off the clearcoat after wetsanding completely. And I really have no idea how that many scratches and swirls got into the paint in 3 months, but I can tell you that the clear is really, *really* soft.

    The customer drove 2 hours to get me his car, then stayed the weekend at a hotel in town while I corrected his paint.

    Decontamination with Adams' APC, Green Wheel Cleaner
    Compounded with GG6, Meg's M105, D300 and MF 5.5 pads
    Backing Plate Exploded
    Finished off with Flex 3401, Uber Yellow, M105, D300.
    Final Polish with Flex 3401, Uber Green, Menz SF4000
    LSP: MPL applied with Flex 3401 and Uber Black at Setting-1
    Tires dressed with Adam's Super VRT, Undercarriage Spray
    Glass polished with Griot's Glass Polish, then cleaned with Adam's Glass Cleaner

    Customer requested exterior service only.

    Before pictures:


    There was no protection whatsoever on the paint even before the wash, as you can see by the lack of beading.

    Washed, Clayed, Pulled Inside, Got it under the lights:


    Looks like the painter missed a spot after wetsanding:

    More Damage:





    The Bald Spot:

    50/50 shots:



    Front Fender:


    Bald Spot:





    Some finished shots:






    Lessons learned:

    Alwyas have an extra backing plate handy, in case one explodes on you, sending foam flying all over the bay.
    Detailing in Florida during the summer can be killer, so drink lots of water and take lots of breaks, goes without saying.

    Thanks for looking!

  2. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Great save as it defintely appears the painter did poor finishing job.
  3. cnut

    cnut DB Forum Supporter

    Very nice turnaround!!
  4. NorthEastAutoSalon

    NorthEastAutoSalon Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    oh wow that paint was hammered! nice correction. Dont see too many clean FCs
  5. upsidedown

    upsidedown Virgin Detailer

    wow that is a big difference...amazing what polishing can do
  6. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off


    That car paint was horrible

    How could it leave a shop like that?

    Great job Jae! Glad to see you posting again. You were MIA for a while
  7. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    nice work car looks great!
  8. LDM

    LDM Virgin Detailer

    Awesome job Jae. Do you have any pictures of the destroyed backing plate?
  9. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    Nice job, did you take pictures of the destroyed backing plate?
  10. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    This brings a tear to my eye. :) A sad one with the before pics, and a happy one with the afters.
  11. DaytonaJae

    DaytonaJae Birth of a Detailer

    Yes, I will post them later today when I get home.
  12. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    Great save. Always enjoy seeing this recoveries.
  13. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    The befores of the paint made my eyeballs hurt.

    Nice work! This is another candidate for turnaround of the year.
  14. DaytonaJae

    DaytonaJae Birth of a Detailer


    Exploded backing plate halfway through this detail. Luckily I was fast enough to pull away in time when I felt the wobble begin. It was a good run, close to 2 years as this was my first backing plate that came with my original PC kit and I forget how many details I finished with it.

    Honestly before this, I never gave it a second thought that I should have an extra one handy.
  15. LDM

    LDM Virgin Detailer

    Wow. That could've ended very badly.
  16. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba

    Amazing work and killer 50/50's!
  17. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    awesome job!

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