My conversation with a production detail shop owner

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Kaban, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Hey guys,

    I wanted to share a quick story from the other day.

    I go kayaking all the time, and on my way to the river, I noticed a new car wash place was being built. It's finally completed and has been open for business for about a month. I go in there, really nice place, large fish tank, nice tile flooring, the whole detail and wash center is all brand new. I filled out an application hoping maybe I can do a few details during the evening. I was there for about half hour and during that time I just couldn't believe some of the things the owner was talking about.

    As I am filling out the application, I tell the owner I have been an "enthusiast" detailer for about three years, doing family and friend's cars. In response he says something to the extent of "boy if I had a dollar for every time I had guys come in claiming they are detailers.... but the majority of them didn't know how to work a brush". Kind of a smark comment, but whatever. I told him I know how to use rotary and DA buffers, work with different types of compounds and polishes, different waxes, and so forth.

    He tells me that they mostly do dealer work and he inspects every car before having it delivered. He also said he makes sure every single car leaves the shop PERFECT...or otherwise it doesn't leave his shop until it is perfect.

    Right after having said that, he says he has guys, individually, doing ten cars a night...including interior, "buffing" and the works. At that point, I am standing there How can one guy do ten "in his words perfect" full details a night. I'm like that's impossible.

    I told him it sometimes takes me up to two or three days, or sometimes four when I do a full detail beginning with a wash, full decon, paint correction, touch up, interior, etc.... and he's over there laughing saying "well you can't take four days"...

    What's everyone's thoughts on this? I know most production detail places are completely full of shit. To them "perfect" means the same what "POS" means to me. But him sitting there saying he's been doing it since 1981 and he's a know it all kinda struck a nerve. I think it's this type of detail place that really fucks everything up for us who do really have a passion and do want to produce a good detail. And when people hear our prices they think we are crazy...because "that" guy does it for $125 a car and does it "perfect".

    Any thoughts?
  2. RefPerfection

    RefPerfection Birth of a Detailer

    I'm curious to know which place you happened to be at. I know a few people investing heavily in a new car wash venture, with the ultimate goal to rapidly expand nation wide to the largest chain car wash. From what I understand, they have a handful of locations starting up here around the Chicago suburbs. Anyway, sounds like he's talking big. One guy turning out 10 perfect details in an 8, even 10 hour day...not happening. Even the largest amount of cocaine can't yield that production and claim quality lol.
  3. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    ......did you expect anything different?
  4. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    I'll pm you the name if you are curious...

    Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. The place was a decent size, but not as big as other production detail shops. Coming in, I couldn't immediately tell whether it was a production type place or a legit detail place.
  5. premshine09

    premshine09 Jedi Nuba

    I read the title of the post and immediately knew what was coming.....

    again..... there are quote on quote "detailers" and then there are the real guys.

    Generally the clients whom I enjoy working with the most are the owners whom care about their vehicle enough to research properly OR they have had a typical experience with one of these clowns and they come running to the real professionals.

    Kaban- I would've lost my composure after the first 10 or 15 minutes of talking to this guy and laughed in his face!
    - Dan
  6. xyz10

    xyz10 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Production shops just churn out quickly detailed cars. I used one recently because I did not have the time to polish (also learn how to) my car.

    Guess what ? Franki will be redoing the exterior in a few days. The production shop's 1-step left micro marring and light buffer trails. This is after telling the shop to take their time and that I would pay extra money for them to do so.
  7. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing


    I especially wanted to laugh when he said... back in the day when most paints were single stage, he would just heat up the paint with his buffer and the scratch would disappear....using hand motions as if he is working a buffer as he is saying all this.
  8. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    I hate moronic people like that. It really does give us a bad rep. The bottom line would ve there is a reason why most of us charge more then the average joe. You can't expect much for $120 full detail job. There might be shops like that in which do turn out quality work but far and few between.

    I would have personally lost my cool and put that guy in his place. Of he runs his business like that he won't be around long.
  9. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Just because the building is new and has tile floors you are still dealing with production (volume) situation/business model
  10. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    As much as I would love to do that..... you have to respect that it's their business. I mean, you are not going to go around every car wash center and tell them off because they are not using Wolf's Chemicals or SV or other boutique products. They have their clients I guess who are happy with that sort of quality.

    Well sure, good point. I think the real reason I didn't expect it to be a production place is because production places are usually super busy, have more than ten guys running around with dirty towels, and alot of customers at once.

    This place was empty. Not a single employee in sight, no customer cars inside or outside. The only detailing tool I can see is a few power washers. This was in the middle of the day around 2PM when it should be busy as hell.
  11. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    Its not that they're not using boutique products, more importantly it's their method of doing things.
  12. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    That's true also. But for what they charge, they can't afford to take the time we take to do things correctly. That's all fine and dandy.

    But what really pissed me off is that they say their details are perfect and that's just bs. The only people that will fall for that crap are those who are completely clueless.
  13. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Understandable but if someone insulted me with stupid remarks as he did prior to even getting to know you, that's pretty dog shit if you ask me.
  14. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    I can crank out a perfect car every hour IF I used a heavy glaze like most car wash places do. 10 a day? NO PROBLEM, LOL
  15. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    I was thinkingthe same. Jokingly I told my friend on the ride back home how all those guys do is use a glaze with fillers. And that's the truth.

    That way when a customer comes back two weeks later with swirls, he will tell them straight out "it was PERFECT" when I inspected it hahaha
  16. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    they are in it to make money, plain and simple. One of my good friends from high school owns a very very stressful high volume car wash in a very affluent part of town, lots of high end stuff. while he is not swissvaxing every car, he is raking in well over 6 figures a year from his two locations.......... you gonna hate on him for making money or just not doing it the way you think is right?

    Sadly I cringe when I see a S4, or AMG slide through the tunnel, but you know what, these people drive their cars, they are daily driven and he is providing a service, he used to do it the way "we" do it, with a mobile set up etc, but he had a vision and want to branch out.

    Come on, don't lie, if you could make the kind of money these places you would

    but its places like this that actually keep people in the boutique industry in business........... eventually people realize its the "process" that is damaging the finish and need it repaired.

    Besides someone has to do all the Escalades and lifted trucks.

    Not gonna lie, If I could do what he does, I would....
  17. mikenap

    mikenap Jedi Nuba


    I know we'd all like to think we can detail every car to perfection AND make 6 figures, but that's not realistic. Something's gotta give. If you do it for passion, that's one thing. If you want to retire early, crank em out by the dozens...
  18. RefPerfection

    RefPerfection Birth of a Detailer

    I was going to add a similar post. One could consider themselves a "sellout" and make a considerable amount of money doing things to a lesser standard, but at high volume...or take pride in what they do, and maintain a quality service, whether or not it be details few and far between. I know how I like to do it, but also entertain the idea of a "cash cow" car wash setup.

    Also, not sure about the rest of you guys, but I regularly maintain lifted trucks, as well as a lifted Escalade (lol)
  19. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    I have two shops by my house like that. I can' t tell you how much business I get thanks to them lol!
  20. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    I feel your pain....... takes me 2-3 hours to wash my truck "properly".

    what all the rage is now is automated tunnels with self service vacuum. so they get 4 guys to brush down the cars with deck brushes, then send them through....... all for 5.00 -10.00.

    basically what you see at the gas stations, only stand alone........ they are popping up around town like weeds.

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