applying wax in hot weather opinions.

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by 11cts11, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. 11cts11

    11cts11 Virgin Detailer

    Well I've been doing a lengthy detail on my car for the past two days. I wont have time to finish polishing the car today so that will have to wait for tomorrow. So tomorrow I plan on doing the menzerna finishing polish, than poor boys black hole glaze, than a layer of 845, and finishing will some zymol glasur that I just bought. My big question is that tomorrow is supposed to 100+ degrees. I'll obviously be doing all this work in my garage but I seriously doubt that my garage will be much cooler. Is it a bad idea to be doing all this work in hot weather so should I wait till saturday or sunday when it cools down a little? Thanks in advance!
  2. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    coming from an area where its 115 and up in my garage during the summer, as long as the panel of the car is cool to the touch (i use my hand or a IR thermometer) you should be fine, I usually favor in the morning though just because its about 80 degrees before 10am. after that its just a comfort issue. as for the product I keep them inside so they are not sitting in said heat.....
  3. 11cts11

    11cts11 Virgin Detailer

    Yea I'm not quite used to that kind of heat so I couldn't handle 115+! Thanks for the advice looks like i'll be waking up early tomorrow. I can't wait to see the results of using glasur since ive heard such good things about it.
  4. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    do one panel at a time, take your time and enjoy..........
  5. sikedsyko

    sikedsyko DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah it should come out fine as long as the car is cool to the touch. I did a Rav4 yesterday in a garage. Started applying wax at around 11am, when it was already up to around 95 outside and I didn't have any issues.

    The earlier you get started the better.
  6. 11cts11

    11cts11 Virgin Detailer

    good to hear because I have an extended weekend so I wanted to take advantage of it. Btw Sike do you happen to be a member of I'm 00mustang00 over there haha.
  7. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    my only concerns would be 1...845 is very high in solvents no real use and putting the glaze under it. and 2 its hot and humid here 9 months out of the year and 845 has hazed on me several times in the summer if put on to think so try and get it as thin as possible and you should be fine

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