Recently completed in the shop, as I am in high production mode I had Daniel from Car Connoisseur in So. Cal come up and help with all the jobs of this week and the next as without him..........................more than a long day would be experienced(Understatement of the year!!). This client sought me out after consulting with Todd Cooperider and purchasing some products and a DA polisher to DIY his black finish, the car is nice but the defects required extra time and experience to correct the vehicle to the level he wanted. After a thourough wash/decon was carried out the corrective phase began. After compounding with aggressive compound defects are removed(Compund haze will polished out in the next steps). Defects evident in the rear trunk. Drivers side rear bumper before. After compounding. Deep RIDS on passenger door. After correction. Clearfilm on drivers rocker with deep marring. After. 50/50 pic of the passenger quarter, compounding haze still evident until finer polishing later in the job. Daniel polishing. Even though it was a exterior detail only, we removed the polishing dust and waxed the jambs(D301/Megs). Distilled water wipe of the LSP. Daniel doing more "Crossing the "T's" and dotting he "I's" work. Truth in advertising......."Mirror finish". Cleaness. Sun pics.
That mirror finish pic is trippy; too me a few seconds to wrap my head around the tightness. Nice work Daniel and Bob.
"J" speak.................. circa 2008ish, where "Ness" "Idge" are added to certain phrases and words ie: TightNESS or when someone has the chapenowskiNESS about them "CheapIDGE" can be utilized as a appropriate description on this conduct. Idge is also used as in a Porsche Turbo being "TwinnIDGE" or "Twinnage" and even "Twinnie". Something that is clean and not quite "tightness" but still really nice is "Cleaness" or "TightISH" .............................. "Certified tightNESS" is the highest level of all things squared away as in ie: Your ISH it tightned up. The "J" setting trends without being "Trendy" like the "Jay-Z moniker .............I don't buy the bright watch, I buy the RIGHT watch"................. :giggle: