I have an E46 M3 in my shop right now with only 20k original miles on it. Problem is, every panel on the car other than the hood is under 90 microns. Has anyone else seen this on these cars? It's in dire need of a polish but there is no way in hell I'm touching this car with a polisher. I calibrated my PTG as well so the readings are correct.
Wow that seems low for a car that was hardly driven. Perhaps they left it outside without protection for far to long which caused severe clear coat wear. It nay need a repaint then a Polish job.
Too low for polishing, a Glaze with fillers could be an option. . How bad is the surface, could you Opti-Coat or would this magnify the surface scratches?
Ken I too had a Alpine White E-46 M3 come in for a estimate with readings not quite that low over all, most readings were 103-115 but a few places had 65 microns !!!. The trunk was a factory CSL part with a obvious re-spray and had severe sanding scratches...........thank goodness I Had a DeFelsko 200 advanced as the clear on the trunk was only 16microns so I told the guy the trunk would need to be re-done. Liability nightmare right there for sure.......................sometimes you need to pass on a job.
e46's average 110+ I have ran into a couple low range, but this was obviously due to a serious cut & buff from the local body shop/detailer.
Agreed. When I had my E46 M, I would get readings on the factory panels between 110-135. An average reading of 30 microns below that is very suspect...:shead:
Ran into a E46 Imola red yesterday and it read sub 100 microns, low spots were between 80-90 microns.
Sometimes you just have to say no.... finish out with a super fine polish and add the protection needed. Your client will thank you later.
Called the client to let him know. Wound up going around the car with GG / black BS / Scholl S30. It's nice and glossy now. Thanks for all the input.
I have been contacted to work on a black vehicle in the same condition (averages mid 80's), the owner would like to have me Opti-Guard it. I'm considering a very light polish via a DA as well. However, I am wondering if I am unable to safely remove the deeper swirls, do you think Opti-Guard would magnify them. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Did this E46 ever have paint correction done ? My E46 wagon from the Regensburg, Germany plant also reads in the mid 80's-90's. Door jambs read 60's and hood reads 90's -105. Prior owner never had any paint correction done. Because of "low" readings, I decided to hold off polishing for now.