Pretty nice, though detailing is spelled wrong in the Navigation bar. Also, try adding in the youtube video you made at the top of the page. I think that will sell your service more than anything else.
Thanks Karl. I'm a fan of minimalism (particularly in regards to navigation). Good catch; there is always something missing. I think you may be mistaking me for dsms (Dave) and his awesome video. Thanks for the input.
good start to the site, i looked at the "services" section and can't figure out if you are listing the different packages or listing the steps to a detail. for example, under "wash" it says: Wheels, tires, exterior body panels thoroughly cleaned. and then under "last step protection it says: The last step taken is the application of a protective and beautifying wax or sealant. so my question is, is this 1 entire package? b/c obviously customers can't just get the LSP without a basic wash...not sure if you understand my suggestion...=p can the client get just an engine bay cleaning? i think you should make it clear on the site. i'm just trying to provide constructive criticism, not bringing down the hammer on you...=) i do like the FAQ section where you describe yourself and make it very clear that you take your time on the is very good to set yourself apart from the volume detailer.
Nope, I know Dave, I mistook you for PremShine who also has a BMW avi and recently posted a video, my bad. Did you do the HTML yourself or did you use a template? I would suggest a couple more pictures if possible, people really like the visual aspect. One before/after should really help. Also, I might give a range or a couple packages, for instance Wash/wax 6-10 hours, just so people have a basic idea.
Good point. I'll add a better explanation to that section and include a couple package options. I generally offer my services à la carte. Thanks for the input; I value it very much. Thanks for the clarification; I'll check out his video, it sounds nice. I did the design myself; as I mentioned in the FAQs, I have a design background. But designers generally despise code. That being said I built the website with a WYSIWYG beta app called Adobe Muse. Unfortunately, with that design in mind I'm very picky with the photos I use. Most of my shots are kind of crappy, so I'll keep adding them as I go along. Thanks for the other recommendations too.
No problem. One method I used back before I had the DSLR was to rent one from a local camera shop to get some good shots on a nice detail on a high end car. The difference in quality really is stunning, a DSLR can bring out the best qualities of a detail and give you some nice shots for your website and also the client. Good luck! If you want some ideas on what to add, feel free to check out my website. Just as long as it's not copied word-for-word:
yeah no problem Chase. That is how I have my pricing setup as. I got 7 packages, and then a few a la carte items. also noticed 1 other thing...when scrolling the page, the slideshow pictures at the top disappear. you might want to make that a permanent banner so that even if i scroll down the page, i can still see the different pics...this allows me to read the rest of the site and if a nice pic pops up I will see it...=) thanks man, Control + C and then Control + V haha, i kid i kid...=p
I like the aesthetic of your site. I think it hits the right visual notes for Minnesota clientele unless the culture of the place has changed dramatically in the last decade. Your punctuation and text could use a little work. For example, commas before an and are unnecessary and no longer widely used even though they aren't exactly wrong. I don't think you want to put "right way" in quotation marks either. I know a professional writer and editor in St. Paul who is pretty much retired but he still takes a few freelance jobs. If you'd like I can ask him if he would be interested. He's not a car guy, I don't even know what he is driving now but he might be willing to trade services. Even if you have to pay him you're probably only looking at a few hours work at most. If you can find a really good advertising copy writer that might be even better but I can't hook you up there. I'm a little concerned that just posting an hourly rate may be off-putting for some customers. God knows I'm no marketing wiz but my sense is that most people don't like to have to to ask about pricing and shy away from unknown or open-ended costs. There obviously are some guys who post on this site who clearly have their marketing act together and might be better sources of advice. I would, however, add the slight caution that Minnesota is on a more restrained wavelength than the West Coast, South Florida or the Boston to Washington, D.C. megalopolis. Good luck.
and cuz I've been so busy on site for work, I havent been able to get on the forums enough lol (but hurrah weekend!) but anyhow your site looks nice, quite a fresh way of presenting your page. There are problems though if your content goes longgggggg and potential problems when people bookmark your site with the # tags as it will automatically scroll the user down to the section as opposed to start from the top.
If possible, you should add a phone number where you can be reached to your contact section. While many people enjoy the simplicity of online contact, there are others that find that making a phone call is easier.