Awesome Chase! SO relevant i could almost repost this. ....And despite the controversy of these poster things, i actually really dig em!
I haven't heard any controversy, fill me in! I know some people hate on them because they are 100% right........... especially the law enforcement ones and the SPEC Ops one my friends pass around.
People hate on them because it's the Facebook "flavor of the week". The first ones were funny, now that Facebook is flooded with them they're horrible.
I'm with this guy^ I think it's hilarious and the funniest part is the Paul Dalton one...because I know some people (from other forums) that think exactly like that. :lol: The only ones that aren't true for me is "what the wife thinks I do" and "what I actually do".
Showed my wife this. She laughed so hard I thought I she was gonna die. My guess now is they are ALL true for me.:shrug::giggle:
yeah, ive seen some pretty stupid ones this week....... Yeah, we need a funny pictures thread or something.
Has anyone else had people think detailing has to do with "pinstriping" cars? I get that all the time...