1z Einszett Cockpit Premium

Discussion in 'Interior Car Care' started by mharper, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. mharper

    mharper Virgin Detailer

    Hi All,

    So I just detailed my Audi A5 today and used Cockpit Premium on the interior (basically everything except the seats). After applying the product (following the directions to the T) the resulting finish left my black interior looking faded and chalky. I am panicking, trying to figure out what happened and how I can fix this.

    Has anyone else experienced this, or know how to fix it? I have already tried rinsing everything with warm water and drying, but no luck.

    Any insight is most appreciated!!!
  2. kdude

    kdude Jedi Nuba

    I've only had good results using it on a Mercedes 2010 300 , Honda crv 2o10 and Honda S2000 2008... these are three very different textures and it worked amazing and smelt great... Just curious did you shake the bottle before using it ? That may have played a part in your results.. How old is the bottle your using ? One thing i know is that the CP does not damage interiors so just use a cleaner to take it off.. must be contaminated..
  3. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter


    Did you spray it straight on the surfact or transfer with a towel or applicator? I've never had issues with CP; it's actually one of my favorite products.
  4. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    This is odd, 1Z Cockpit has been rock solid, especially on the German Interiors and maintains a new look.

    The only thing that comes to mind are two things;

    1) Was anything used previuosly on the interior? IE: ArmourAll and over the counter products that may contain silicone and need to be properly removed first.

    2) Is it possible that the bottle froze or has gone bad?

    I have a lot of experience with this product and have not had the results that you mention and we also sell alot of it and never heard of this.

    Maybe einzsett will chime in as well.
  5. mharper

    mharper Virgin Detailer

    Thank you all for the quick responses!

    -Yes, I shook the bottle before using, as well as after every few sprays.
    -At first I sprayed directly on the surface, and then I noticed the chalky-faded result after wiping. Then I started just applying using a mf cloth.
    -The bottle is brand new and was stored in a heated garage

    I too was surprised at the results, I ended up going with this product after reading all of the extremely positive reviews and after-photos from those using it on the site.

    Any ideas on how to correct this??
  6. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Cockpit has been by far our best selling interior cleaner for 5 years and going strong.
    I've been using it on my Audis for years now and never had this happen.

    Did you use a brand new /clean mf towel?

    How hard did you rub?
  7. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    Been using CP for years with great results. OP try using a mild apc to clean. Optimum Power Clean is a great interior cleaner cut 3:1.
  8. mharper

    mharper Virgin Detailer

    -Phil, I used new/clean uber mf towels and did not rub too hard, just normal pressure. I have used other products on different cars with no problems..this is my first time applying anything to this one..other than whatever the dealer used to 'doll up' after purchasing my car.

    I am thinking that either this was either just a bad/defective bottle or the dealer applied some kind of sealant/protector to my interior and the Einszett Cleaner reacted badly to it somehow

    So I should look for some kind of cleaner to remove all of the product on my interior?
  9. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    I'm going to guess the later. I sent this thread out to Mike hopefully he will chime in.

    In 5 years of selling Cockpit we have never had one defective bottle.

    When using Cockpit I always spray it on a towel and not on the surface.

    Can you post some pictures.
  10. mharper

    mharper Virgin Detailer

    Yea I ended up applying with a a towel for 85% of the detail. I will take some pictures first thing in the morning so there is good natural light to show exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks so much for all of the help!!
  11. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    strange to me as well as I've used it on my audi ( and other cars as well) and not experiences these results. Hopefully the guys from 1Z can help you out.
  12. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Sounds crazy...but are you sure you used the bottle of CP and not some other 1Z product and confused the product by the same bottle? Say Deep Plastic Cleaner?
  13. kyle butler

    kyle butler Birth of a Detailer

    Subscribing to this thread. ive been meaning to get some CP, but am reluctant now. 303 Aero until then!
  14. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    No need to be reluctant. This is one instance in thousands; and it sounds like something uncommon reacted with it. CP has very light cleaning and protective capabilities and has no reason for damaging anything. CP is actually one of my absolute favorite products.
  15. Michael@nextzett

    Michael@nextzett DB Certified Manufacturer

    Hi, sorry I haven't been able to respond sooner but I've been off for Thanksgiving. Otherwise I would've responded sooner.

    Sorry to hear about the issue you're having. We have never received any such complaints about Cockpit. In order to figure out what the problem is, I need you to start by giving me two things:

    1) please provide the 4 digit batch number printed on the back label.
    2) please take a high resolution photo so I can see what you are describing.

    Thank you.
  16. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    Was the surface of the dashboard at a high temp? I've never had a problem with cockpit and love it so much, I bought a 10L jug of it.

    Even on a hot surface I can't see it doing any harm.

    Maybe there was armorall (which is a milky white substance) already on there and the cockpit started to remove it?

    I have no idea really
  17. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Long time user of Einszett Cockpit Premium professionally on all the German marque's and never had an issue. This is my preferred product for all Interior conditioning after cleaning, usually with Steam or Einszett Deep Plastic Cleaner, or Meguiars APC+.
    Cockpit Premium is the only product I trust to use on Navigation Screens, Clear Plastic Dash displays, all the most delicate areas of the Dashboard. It has never exhibited the conditions you describe here.

    I personally think there was something else on the areas already, that is one of those all-in-one greasy products that are used by some people to coat everything all at once in an Interior - something I never do.
    I will use sometimes at least 3 different products on German door panels alone, so that each area has its own custom treatment that is the best for it in my experience.

    I am sure that this situation will be resolved especially with the able help of Michael of Einszett in Austin, Texas. He has been a very good Rep to me and my business for years now.

    Good luck,
    Dan F
  18. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Yeah, CP is so safe, I wipe my computers down with it :)
  19. RaskyR1

    RaskyR1 Jedi Nuba

    This is very odd indeed. I sent a bottle of it to a client of my to try out on his A5 and he was blown away by it and ordered more. Had you used anything else on the interior before?
  20. mharper

    mharper Virgin Detailer

    Here are a couple of images of my door..I had to compress the image because the images were too large. Let me know if these are too hard to view and I can email original large photos in high-res.

    Also, the 4-digit batch number from the bottle is 1034.

    Thank you!


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