FS: Used Uber Pads, AG HD Wax, Swissvax Waxes

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by detailersdomain, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Hey all its that time again where we are clearing out some items.

    Take a look.

    Figure $9.99 shipping for anything you see within the USA.


    Uber Pads ---- $4 each
    8 - 5.5 inch Blue
    13 - 5.5 inch Green--
    11 - 5.5 inch Yellow---sold
    3 - 5 inch Surbuf ---- sold
    2 - 5.5 inch Black
    1 - 5.5 inch Red
    4 - 6.5 inch Green
    5 - 6.5 inch Black
    2 - 6.5 inch Orange
    2 - 6.5 inch Blue

    1 Brand New AG HD Wax - $29.95 shipped-- SOLD

    1 Slightly used AG HD Wax (2 uses) - $24.95 shipped SOLD

    1 Swissvax Finesse - (I think we did a test panel other than that it's new) - $99 shipped

    1 Used Swissvax Blau Weiss - (4 cars) - $99 --- SOLD

    1 Used Swissvax Shield - (40%) -$75.00 - SOLD

    1 Used Swissvax Glacier - (1 car) - $99 - SOLD

    Please email me any reasonable offers.
  2. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    how much is the ketchup? lol..........
  3. bluelagoongli

    bluelagoongli Virgin Detailer

    hey phil how much for the shield??
  4. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    I can do the ketchup for a great price if you want LMK
  5. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    $75 shipped.
  6. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    12 yellow 5.5 inch pads pending.
  7. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Will this be the final list or more to come :)
  8. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    right now that's it
  9. Whip Appeal Neil

    Whip Appeal Neil Jedi Nuba

    hey phil can you give us a little insight between the 3 sv waxes just to see which one might be catered for us. Thanks, i am totally clueless when it comes to those 3 listed.
  10. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Some amazing deals here, especially on the Swissvax waxes. Blau Weiss is a stunning wax for the price, absolutely love it.

    These better go quick. I use Blau Weiss on my parents' BMWs. I prefer it over Mirage.
  11. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    blau weiss - bmw paint
    shield - durable wax
    finesse was for lexus and infiniti
    glacier - for white
  12. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    shield pending.
  13. bretster

    bretster Birth of a Detailer

    damn phil i want that blau weiss but after 2 orders of the 2 5L sonax I'm broke. By the way, I'm going to hopefully check out that IR M3 soon, thanks for the lead :)

    Do you have any 4" pads? Ill take them off your hands if you do.

  14. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    we have 12 Uber 4 inch pads, get the Blau Weiss for you IR.
  15. vasaline

    vasaline Two Bucket System Washer

    PM for swissvax Blau Weiss
  16. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Shield Sold
  17. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    PM answered
  18. bluelagoongli

    bluelagoongli Virgin Detailer

    how many cars do you think are left in the sv shield??
  19. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Shield has been sold, but it should be 4-5
  20. vasaline

    vasaline Two Bucket System Washer

    Payment for Blau Weiss sent. So excited my first swissvax wax!

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