Thinking Of Buying Souveran!!! Hmm

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by trhland, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    Pinnacle Souveran is a great wax and it looks awesome on black and reds. It is also super easy to put on and take off but as everybody has been saying it has horrible durability.

    I did find Lusso Oro to have a very similar look.
  2. jfsully

    jfsully Virgin Detailer

    I'm just an enthusiast but I have developed quite a collection of mid range+ waxes already.

    From my experience, Souv deadens the metalflake (contraray to recent posts on other sites). It does look wet, and deepens the paint but has limited durability.

    CG Petes 53 is very similar in looks and wetness with a little better durability.

    Lusso I'm still reserving judgment on but it seems a very nice wax for the price. (great container) I like it better than Souv.

    Worlds Best Wax I took a flyer on. Tough to use, not that impressed with the looks.

    My favorite of the US waxes I've tried tends to be CG 50/50. Great was...good durability and no metal flake deadening. (Liquid Soveran is great also , no deadening and better durability than expected, I also have the old Paste Glaz from Pinnacle and love it for white, light colors and metal flake. Durability better than Souv. )

    Favorite of all is Dbl Dodo.....great look, much wetter and "cleaner" look than Souveran.
  3. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    thanks for the write up!!!!!

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